열대 및 아열대성 비래해충으로 최근 국내에도 옥수수에 피해를 주고 있는 열대거세미나방의 온도별 발육특성을 인공먹이를 이용하여 사육 하며 조사하였다. 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 32°C 항온조건에서 알에서 성충까지의 발육하기까지 각각 79.8, 54.2, 34.3, 28.4, 24.6, 24.0일이 소요되어 온도가 증가할수록 발육기간이 짧아졌다. 암컷 번데기의 발육기간은 수컷보다 짧았다. 유충은 보통 6령까지 발육하였으나 저온에서 7령 이상의 비 율이 증가하였다. 온도에 따른 발육은 직선회귀에 부합하였으며, 직선회귀식을 이용하여 각 발육태별 발육영점온도와 유효적산온도를 분석한 결 과, 알은 12.9°C와 37.0 DD, 유충은 11.3°C와 286.3 DD, 번데기는 12.6°C와 132.2 DD, 알에서 성충까지는 11.8°C와 456.8 DD 였다.
Fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, is a invasive migratory pest of native to the tropical and sub-tropical regions that has recently invaded Korea with damage to cornfield. The study was conducted to investigate the development periods of S. frugiperda on artificial diet at six different temperatures. The developmental period from eggs to adult at 18, 21, 24, 27, 30 and 32℃ was 79.8, 54.2, 34.3, 28.4, 24.6 and 24.0 days, respectivery and decreased with increasing temperature. The pupal periods of females were shorter than males. Most of the larvae developed through six instar, but the ratio of 7 or more instar increased at low temperatures. The relationship between the development rate and temperature was fitted with by linear regression analysis. The lower development threshold for egg and larva development was 12.9°C and 11.3°C, respectively, 12.6°C for pupae and 11.8°C for egg-to-adult development. The effective accumulative temperature for the development of the respective life cycle stages were 37.0 DD for eggs, 286.3 DD for larvae, 132.2 DD for pupae and 456.8 DD egg-to-adult development.