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超时工作对中国人主观幸福感的影响研究 ― 以休闲活动的调节作用为中心 KCI 등재

A Study on the Effect of Overtime Work on Chinese Subjective Well-being : Focusing on the Moderation Effect of Leisure Activities

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/416074
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 5,200원
中國學 (중국학)
대한중국학회 (Korean Association For Chinese Studies)

工作、休闲与幸福感三者之间有密不可分的关系,工作和休闲都在不同程度上影响幸 福感,所以寻求工作与生活的均衡从而提升生活质量一直是学者们共同关注的社会问题。 进入到21世纪,科学技术的发展并没有缩短工作时间而带来学者们所预期的“休闲社 会”,种种状况使人们不得不开始重新审视工作时间、休闲时间与主观幸福感的关系。本 文使用中国综合社会调查2017年的横截面数据,研究是否超时工作对劳动者的主观幸福感 产生影响,并且验证休闲活动时间是否可以调节超时工作对主观幸福感产生的影响。研究 结果发现超时工作与劳动者的主观幸福感之间呈负向线性关系,在休闲时间进行读书活动 可以在一定程度上调节超时工作对主观幸福感的负面影响,特别是随着劳动时间的变长, 女性劳动者读书的参与度越频繁,主观幸福感越强。本文的研究结果对减少由超时工作对 身心带来的负面影响并提高劳动者的生命质量有一定意义。

Work, leisure, and subjective well-being are inextricably linked. Both work and leisure affect subjective well-being to varying degrees. Thus, seeking a balance between work and leisure to improve the quality of life has always been a social issue that scholars are concerned about. In the 21st century, the development of science and technology has not shortened working hours and gave rise to the “leisure society” expected by scholars. Moreover, the increase in material wealth has not brought about an increase in happiness in some developed countries and emerging economies. These situations make people start to reexamine the relationship between working time, leisure time, and subjective well-being. The purpose of this research is to explore whether overtime work has an impact on subjective well-being and to verify whether leisure activity time can moderate the effect of overtime work on subjective well-being. Cross-sectional data from the 2017 Chinese General Social Survey were utilized and twelve types of physical activity were included in statistical testing. The results found a negative linear relationship between overtime work and subjective well-being. Reading activities in leisure time moderated the negative impact of overtime work on subjective well-being to a certain extent. Especially, as the working time became longer, the more frequently female workers participated in reading, the stronger their subjective well-being would be. The results have implications for reducing the negative impact of overtime work on physical and mental health and improving the quality of life of Chinese workers.

1. 研究背景和目的
2. 文献回顾和研究假设
3. 研究方法
4. 研究结果
5. 研究结论和研究局限
  • 陈楠(高神大学国际商务系中国学专业助教授) | 진남
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