0%, 5%, 10%의 염수로 절인배추를 각각 High density polyethylene film (HDPE-film), Low density polyethylene film (LDPE-film), Mirafresh film (MF-film)으로 포장한 후 4주간 에 저장하면서 pH, 염도, 총균수, 젖산균수, 탄력성을 측정해 품질특성의 변화를 평가하였다. pH의 경우 절이지 않은 배추(0% 염수)일 때는 필름별로 큰 차이를 보이지 않았고,
Korean Baechu cabbage(known as Chinese cabbage) brined in 0%, 5% and 10% (all w/v) salt solutions were packed using high-density polyethylene film (HDPE-film), low-density polyethylene film (LDPE-film), or Mirafresh film (MF-film, US patent No. 5972815), and stored at 4C for 4 weeks. Changes in pH and salinity, and microorganism counts (lactic acid bacteria and total bacteria), were investigated. There was no significant difference in the pH change in cabbage stored using various films when the vegetables were not salted. However, the pH was most stable in Baechu cabbage prepared using 10% salt solution. Cabbage treated with 0%, 5%, and 10% salt showed salinity values of 0.83%, 1.17% and 1.62%(all w/w), respectively, after 4 weeks of storage by LDPE-film. When cabbage was treated with the highest concentration of salt solution, the count of lactic acid bacteria increased but that of total bacteria decreased. The pH from pH 6.10 to pH 4.32, pH 5.68, and pH 5.92 in brined cabbage packed in HDPE-film, LDPE-film, and MF-film, respectively, after 4 weeks. When MF-film was used, the pH showed the greatest stability of all films tested, regardless of the concentration of salt solution employed in brining. The counts of lactic acid bacteria and total bacteria increased by all tested films during storage. Cabbage packed by MF-film showed the lowest increase in bacterial counts. In conclusion, MF-film was found to be the most effective packaging material for Baechu cabbage and brining in 10% salt solution was optimal to enhance the shelf life of the vegetable. LDPE-film was more effective than was HDPE-film for storage of brined cabbage.