본 연구의 목적은 육포의 제조방법이 품질특성에 미치는 영향을 규명하기 위하여 기본 양념(간장, 물엿, 참기름, 정종, 마늘, 양파, 배즙)에 설탕(A), 감초(B), 3종류의 향신료(정향;C, 회향;D, 청양고추;E) 추출물과 여러 추출물을 혼합 첨가(F)한 6군으로 나누어 쇠고기를 절인후, 열풍건조와 송풍건조하는 육포의 제조과정에서 근육의 미세구조 변화를 주사전자현미경(SEM)과 투과전자현미경(TEM)으로 관찰하였다. 투과전자현미경(TEM)으로
We investigated the effects of manufacturing method on the quality of beef jerky using electron micrography. Six types of beef jerky were prepared by the addition of sugar (A), licorice (B), one of three kinds of spice extract (clove: C, fennel fruit: D, and Chungyang green pepper extract: E), or a mixture of all spice extracts (F). Microstructural changes in beef jerky during preparation by drying, with respect to drying method and the nature of the added spice extract, were observed by scanning electron micrography (SEM) and transmission electron micrography (TEM). The latter technique showed that the microstructure of fresh meat showed actin and myosin in myofibril lines, and also mitochondria and inner membranes. Beef muscle structure was broken at many myofibril lines and decomposition of inner membrane material was evident after seasoning. SEM of air-blast dried beef jerky with added medicinal herb extracts showed both large spaces and regular myofibrils, whereas hot air-dried beef jerky had no spaces and the muscle myofibrils were still evident. After review of all available micrographs from SEM and TEM, we concluded that use of medicinal herb extracts could be helpful in preserving the muscle myofibril structure during drying, and the air-blast drying method is recommended to optimize the textural quality characteristics of beef jerky.