To provide information needed for managing fish resources and protecting the ecosystem of Cheonsu Bay, bimonthly variations in species composition and abundance of fish eggs and larvae were investigated. The samples were collected by using bongo net at three different stations from February 2020 to December 2021. Fish eggs were divided into Engrualis japonicus and unidentified eggs, of which Engragulis japonicus accounted for 85.6% of the total eggs collected. A total of 21 species representing 17 families and 6 orders were collected. The three dominant species were Gobiidae spp, Thryssa hamiltonii and E. japonicus and these three species accounted for 74.1% in the total number of individuals. The number of species was highest in August, 2020 and lowest in February, 2020 and 2021; the number of individuals was highest in August, 2020 and lowest in February, 2020. Temporal changes in the abundances of pelagic eggs and larval fishes corresponded with temperature.