포도당 당량에 의한 탈수율과 복원율의 변화에서는 포도당 당량에 차이에 따라 탈수율은 달라졌으며 당량이 커질수록 탈수율과 복원율이 증가하는 경향을 나타내었다. 분자량에 의한 탈수율과 복원율에 변화에서는 분자량이 다른 탈수제 차이에 따라 탈수율과 복원율이 달라졌으며 분자량이 커질수록 포도당 당량과 같이 뚜렷하게 탈수율이 증가하고 복원율이 높게 나타났다. 수분함량은 동결건조한 시료가 가장 낮았으며 당량과 분자량에 따른 차이는 나타나지 않았다. 색도에서
We examined variations in ginger dehydration and recovery rate upon use of dextrose of different equivalence values. The dehydration rate varied with dextrose equivalent and the dehydration rate increased as the equivalence value increased. Both dehydration and recovery rates varied with dextrose molecular weight. Moisture content was lowest in samples prepared by freeze-drying, and neither dextrose equivalent nor molecular weight affected moisture level. Upon color analysis, ginger dried using dextrose varying in equivalence and molecular weight was similar in color to the original material, unlike ginger dried by other methods. Hot-air-dried ginger scored lowest in all sensory tests, compared with ginger prepared by molecular press dehydration using dextrose varying in equivalence and molecular weight. With respect to the appearance of ginger, freeze-dried samples were optimal, but molecular press dehydration yielded samples that scored best upon overall evaluation. When all quality evaluation items were taken together, molecular press dehydration resulted in a better quality product than the older hot-air or freeze-drying methods.