본 연구는 전주시에 위치한 기린봉, 완산칠봉, 황방산 등 3개의 산지형 근린공원을 대상으로 이용행태, 이용권의 인구 통계학적 특성, 근린공원까지의 도달거리를 사용하여 유효이용수요를 예측한 것이다. 조사대상 3개 근린공원의 이용자는 주로 40대~60대 이상이었으며, 이용방법은 주로 도보로 근린공원에 도달하였다. 방문횟수는 주간 1~2회 정도로 나타났다. 조사대상 근린공원의 유효 이용권을 1,000m로 설정하여 변형 중력모델에 의해 이용수요를 예측한 결과 기린봉 근린공원은 4,500명/일, 완산칠봉 근린공원은 3,159명/일, 황방산 근린공원은 2,961명/일이었다. 전체 유효 이용수요는 기린봉 근린공원이 가장 많이 나타났으나, 면적대비 유효이용수요는 완산칠봉 근린공원이 가장 높게 나타났다.
The purpose of this study is to predict the effective use demand at neighborhood parks in Jeonju city using gravity models. Three mountainous neighborhood parks such as Giringbong, Wanshanchilbong and Hwangbangsan were selected as the target sites using the non-probability sampling method. The number of visits was about once a week, and the population and distance of legal dong affected the number of visitors to neighborhood park. A high ratio of expected demand for use at a level of 0.01 was shown in the case, therefore the strained gravity models that were applied to the population of legal dong. We had been set the effective use region of the research neighborhood parks as 1,000 meters and had been applied the demand for the use by the strained gravity model. The demand for the use was 4,500 people/days at Girinbong neighborhood park, 3,159 people/days at Wanshanchilbong neighborhood park, and 2,961 people/days at Hwangbangsan neighborhood park. Girinbong neighborhood park showed the highest overall effective use demand, but Wanshanchilbong neighborhood park was the highest in terms of area.