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『三國志』裴松之注語言文字學價值探究 KCI 등재

An Exploration of the Linguistics and Philology Value of Pei Songzhi’s Annotations on The History of the Three Kingdoms

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/419997
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,900원
中國學 (중국학)
대한중국학회 (Korean Association For Chinese Studies)

裴松之(372年-451年)爲『三國志』做的注極大地修正、完善和豐富了陳壽『三國志』 原文的內容。裴注的語言文字學價值顯著,體現在以下三個方面。首先,語音學方面,『三國志』裴注中有注音99條,共爲96個字頭進行了注音,注音方法主要爲直音(含“音 如”)、反切,注音體例爲隨文注音,體現了後漢至東晉時期的語音特點。其次,詞彙學 注釋共98條,產生了新詞新義,裴氏對首次出現及賦予了新的內涵的詞語進行了相關補充 和說明,多數爲後世沿用。最後,文字學注釋共39條,裴注對生僻的,難以理解的文字加 以說明,補充釋義,且關注到了漢字字形對字義的影響,注重從文字學的角度切入,分析 詞語和文意。裴松之做注,行文簡潔,脈絡清晰,細緻嚴謹,且常用案語表達自己的觀點和 看法,個人特色鮮明。『三國志』裴注具有深刻的語言文字學研究價值,值得仔細挖掘,這對豐 富漢語史研究內容方面有着重要作用

Pei Songzhi (Year 372-451)’s annotations on The History of the Three Kingdoms have greatly revised, improved and enriched the original content of The History of the Three Kingdoms written by Chen Shou. The linguistics and philology value of Pei’s annotations are remarkable, which are reflected in the following three aspects. Firstly, in terms of phonetics, there are 99 phonetic notations (for 96 Chinese characters) in The History of the Three Kingdoms, and the methods are mainly Zhiyin (including "Yinru") and Fanqie, moreover they reflect the phonetic characteristics from the Later Han Dynasty to the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Secondly, there are 98 lexical annotations in total, producing new words and new meanings, and most of them are still used by later generations. Lastly, there are 39 philology annotations. Pei Songzhi annotated the rare and incomprehensible characters in the text, and also listed many opinions for reference. Additionally, Pei Songzhi attached importance to the influence of glyphs on the meanings of Chinese characters, and focused on analyzing words and textual meanings from the perspective of philology. Pei Songzhi’s annotations are concise and clear, meticulous and rigorous, and also express his own views and opinions, with distinct personal characteristics. Pei’s annotations on The History of the Three Kingdoms have profound research value and significance in linguistics and philology, which are worthy to be carefully explored, and the results will play an important role in enriching the research content of the history of Chinese language.

1. 引言
2. 裴注概說
3. 裴注語言文字學價值
    1) 語音學價值
    2) 詞彙學價值
    3) 文字學價值
    4) 裴注語言文字學特色
4. 結語
  • 黃娟(韓國慶星大學文科學院中國學系漢語語言學專業博士課程) | 황연
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