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Evolution of electrical properties and microstructure of polyacrylonitrile‑based carbon fibers during carbonization KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/421085
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Carbon Letters (Carbon letters)
한국탄소학회 (Korean Carbon Society)

The evolvement in the microstructure and electrical properties of PAN-based carbon fibers during high-temperature carbonization were investigated. The study showed that as the heat treatment temperature increases, the change of carbon fiber resistivity around 1100 °C can be divided into two stages. In the first stage, the carbon content of the fiber increased rapidly, and small molecules such as nitrogen were gradually released to form a turbostratic of carbon crystal structure. The resistivity dropped rapidly from 3.19 × 10− 5 Ω·m to 2.12 × 10− 5 Ω·m. In the second stage, the carbon microcrystalline structure gradually became regular, and the electron movement area gradually became larger. At this time, the resistivity further decreases, from 2.12 × 10− 5 Ω·m to 1.59 × 10− 5 Ω·m. During carbonization, the tensile strength of carbon fiber first increased and then decreased. This is because the irregular and disordered graphite structure is formed first. As the temperature rose, the graphite layer spacing decreased and the grain thickness gradually increases. The modulus also gradually increased.

    1 Introduction
    2 Experimental
        2.1 Specimens
        2.2 Characterization
    3 Results and discussion
        3.1 Morphologies of high temperature carbon fibers
        3.2 The relationship between element content and resistivity of high-temperature carbonized fiber
        3.3 The microcrystal of high temperature carbonized fibers
        3.4 Raman analysis of fiber microstructure
        3.5 Analysis of mechanical properties of high temperature carbonized fiber
    4 Conclusions
  • Jiyin Yu(Jilin Province Key Laboratory of Carbon Fiber Development and Application, College of Chemistry and Life Science, Changchun University of Technology)
  • Yong Liu(Jilin Province Key Laboratory of Carbon Fiber Development and Application, College of Chemistry and Life Science, Changchun University of Technology)
  • Xueni Hua(Jilin Province Key Laboratory of Carbon Fiber Development and Application, College of Chemistry and Life Science, Changchun University of Technology)
  • Weifeng Du(Jilin Baojing Carbon Material Co., Ltd)
  • Chen Ning(Jilin Baojing Carbon Material Co., Ltd)
  • Yuhui Ao(Jilin Province Key Laboratory of Carbon Fiber Development and Application, College of Chemistry and Life Science, Changchun University of Technology)
  • Lei Shang(Jilin Province Key Laboratory of Carbon Fiber Development and Application, College of Chemistry and Life Science, Changchun University of Technology)