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Aspergillus oryzae L 2 에 의한 밀가루 누룩 제조시 Amylase 와 Pretense 의 생산조건 KCI 등재

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  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/42138
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한국식품영양학회지 (The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition)
한국식품영양학회 (The Korean Society of Food and Nutrition)

당화효소와 호정화효소의 생산능력이 높고 향도 좋은 Aspergillus oryzae L2와 밀가루로써 누룩을 제조할 때에 당화효소와 단백질분해효소의 생산을 위한 배양조건을 검토하였다. 밀가루를 가열처리 했을 때에는 날밀가루에 비하여 단백질분해효소의 생산은 증가되었으나 당화효소의 생산은 감소되었다. 밀가루에 0.5%의 염산을 함유하는 물을 급수했을 때에는 당화효소와 단백질분해호소의 생산이 현저하게 감소되었다. 급수비율은 밀가루에 대하여 28%일 때가 가장 좋았다. 국균을 접종한 후 즉시 성형을 하는 것보다 20시간 전 배양을 한 후에 성형을 하는 것이 당화효소의 생산에 좋았고 단백질분해효소의 생산은 성형을 하지 않은 것이 좋았다. 당화효소생산의 최적온도는 36℃이었고 단백질분해효소생산의 최적 온도는 28℃이었다.

A Nuluk, a Korean traditional Koji for brewing, was made with wheat flour and Aspergillus oryzae L2 which had a good aroma and strong abilities in producing saccharogenic and dextrogenic enzymes. The cultural conditions for the production of saccharogenic and proteolytic enzymes were tested. The productivity of dextrogenic enzyme was improved when Nuluk was made with unsteamed wheat flour as compared with steamed one, but that of proteolytic enzyme was reduced. The addition of water containing 0.5% hydrochloric acid was unfavorable for the production of those two enzymes. The optimum ratio of water added to wheat flour for the production of those two enzymes was 28% on the basis of wheat flour. The productivity of saccharogenic enzyme was enhanced when the Nuluk was molded after 20 hours of precultivation, but that of proteolytic enzyme was reduced as compared with no molding. The optimum temperatures for the production of saccharogenic enzyme and proteolytic enzyme were 36℃ and 28℃, respectively.

  • 채기수 | Ki Su Chae
  • 김민식 | Min Sik Kim
  • 김갑순 | Kap Soon Kim
  • 조덕제 | Duck Jae Cho
  • 박현석 | Hyun Seok Park