재래식의 벽돌형 메주(A), 국균접종의 벽돌형 메주(B)와 콩알형 메주(C)로 담금한 간장의 유리당과 알코올 함량은 다음과 같다. Galactose, glucose, arabinose, xylose, mannose가 검출되었다. 유리당 함량은 A구에서 galactose, glucose, arabinose, xylose 순으로 높았고, B구와 C구에서 galactose는 숙성기간중 가장 많았고 담금 직후에 glucose의 함량도 높았으나 60일 이후에는 시험구에 따라 arabinose나 xylose가 glucose보다 높았다. 유리당 총량은 C구, B구, A구의 순으로 높았다. 숙성과정중 ethtl alcohol은 6.23∼19.10㎎%, iso-butyl alcohol은 8.70∼169.03ppm으로 국균접종의 콩알형 메주가 다소 높았다.
The Kinds of soy sauce were prepared using the brick type of conventional meju(A), the brick type of meju of Aspergillus oryzae(B), and the grain type of meju of Aspergillus oryzae(C). Free sugar and alcohol were analyzed in accordance to aging time of those products. Galactose, glucose, arabinose, xylose, and mannose were detected in all kinds of soy sauce. In soy sauce A, galactose, glucose, arabinose, and xylose were shown in the order of content. The content of galactose in soy sauce A and soy sauce C were shown higher than that in soy sauce B all during the time. The content of glucose was highest among that of all kinds of free sugars at the beginning of preparation, but the content of glucose was lower than that of arabinose and xylose after 60 days. The contents order of total free sugar was soy sauce C > soy sauce B > soy sauce A. The content of ethyl alcohol was shown 6.23∼19.10㎎%, and that of isobutyl alcohol was 8.70∼169.03ppm in all soy sauces, but those of soy sauce C was higher than those of other soy sauces.