7월과 9월에 채엽하여 제조방법을 달리하여 제조한 인삼 엽록차의 일반성분 함량은 조단백질, 조회분 함량은 7월엽이 다소 높은 경향이나 조지방과 당의 함량은 9월엽이 비교적 높은 함량을 보여 채엽시기에 따라 성분 함량이 상이한 결과를 보였다. 또한 9월엽을 FHT로 제조하였을 때 유리당의 함량이 증가되었다. 인삼 엽록차의 색깔은 7월에 수확한 HHT의 색을 좋아하는 것으로 나타났고, 일반향기와 인삼엽 특유의 향기는 9월에 수확한 HHT를 좋아했으며, 맛성분은 쓴맛 성분이 너무 강한 것으로 나타나 쓴맛 성분의 조화 또는 제거 과정이 필요한 것으로 지적되었다. 또한 인삼 엽록차에서의 떫은맛, 구수한 맛이나 차를 마신 뒤의 끝향기나 구수한 뒷맛은 FHT나 HHT를 이용할수록 향상되었으며 7월보다는 9월에 수확한 잎에서 더욱 우수한 것으로 평가되었다. 그러므로 인삼 엽록차에 대한 전체적인 기호도는 9월에 수확하여 가열처리 방법으로 제조한 것이 차로서 좋다는 것이 평가되었다.
Chemical compositions were investigated by harvested months and produced methods. The level of crude protein and crude ash of ginseng leaf tea harvested in July was slightly higher than it harvested in September. However, the level of crude fat and carbohydrate of ginseng leaf tea harvested in September were higher than it harvested in July. The results indicated that the harvest month influenced the chemical composition of the ginseng leaf tea. Also, the level of free sugar was increased when the ginseng leaf team harvested in September was produced by FHT(fermented and then hot-air dried) or HHT (heated and then hot-air dried). The results indicated that the subjects were preferred the color of ginseng leaf tea which was harvested in July. However, they were preferred the aroma and ginseng`s aroma which was harvested and produced by HHT in September. Because they responded that the ginseng leaf tea tasted too bitter, it suggested that the taste of bitterness needed to remove. Also, the astringent, the savory, after aroma, and after savory of the ginseng leaf tea was improved with FHT or HHT, and those results obtained from September`s harvest rather than July`s. Therefore, the overall quality of ginseng leaf tea which was harvested in September and produced with FHT or HHT were evaluated better than it of DHT(dried on the shade and then hot-air dried).