“水” 和 “물” 引申義的漢韓對比
In this paper, the basic and the extensional meaning of the Chinese word, shui (水), and the Korean word, mul (물), were compared for their similarities and differences, based on the different word meaning characteristics. Both words have the basic meaning of “water.” The extensional meaning and usage of these two words overlap semantically under certain conditions, but they have different characteristics in the two languages from the perspective of word formation, reflecting the differences in thinking and cognitive framework of the different cultural backgrounds. The research also found that the words differ greatly in terms of semantic extension. Mul in particular had a far richer and more diverse extended semantic meaning than shui.
本文以漢語“水”和韓語“물”的基本義及引申義為研究對象,從漢語“水”和韓 語“물”的不同詞義特點出發,歸納出了其異同。本文探討的漢韓“水”的引申義和用法, 兩者在一定條件下存在語義的重合;而從構詞義的角度來看,兩種語言“水”的又有著 不同的特色,反映出了不同文化背景人思維認知上的差異。研究還發現,漢韓“水”在 語義引申的表現上亦有諸多不同,在語義引申的路徑上尤為顯著,而韓語“물”的語義 和用法較漢語“水”更豐富更多樣。