한국산 호박과 일본산 호박을 주서로 갈아서 30분간 끓인 다음 착즙, 원심분리하여 당을 분석하였다. 한국산 호박의 수크로오스 함량은 0.41%, 프룩토오스는 0.54%, 글루코오스는 0.61%, 전분은 0.68%를 나타냈다. 일본산 호박은 수크로오스 2.60%, 프룩토오스 2.76%, 글루코오스 1.91% 전분 1.22%를 나타냈다. 다른 소당은 검출되지 않았다. 일본산 호박 전분을 NMR로 분석한 결과 α-1, 4-글루코시드 결합만 나타냈으며, 요오드반응의 흡광도는 아밀로오스(DP 117)의 86%를 나타내 아밀로오스만으로 구성된 것으로 나타났다. 카르바졸법으로 펙틴 함량을 분석한 결과 한국산 호박은 6.29%, 일본산 호박은 2.67%를 나타냈다.
Sugars in Korean and Japanese pumpkin were studied. The sugars in pumpkin were crushed and extracted by boiling for 30min. Korean pumpkin was found to contain 0.41% of sucrose, 0.54% of fructose, 0.61% of glucose and 0.68% of starch. Japanese pumpkin was found to contain 2.60% of sucrose, 2.76% of fructose, 1.91% of glucose and 1.22% of starch. No other mono- and oligosaccharides were detected in the test of TLC and HPLC. Starch in Japanese pumpkin showed only signal of α-1, 4- glucosidic linkage by proton NMR analysis, and showed 86% of absorbance by iodine reaction compared with amylose(DP 117). These results indicated that starch in Japanese pumpkin is composed by only amylose. Pectin contents of Korean and Japanese pumpkin showed 6.29% and 2.67%, respectively, as galacturonic acid by carbazole analysis.