인산염의 첨가가 조기 및 갈치연육의 보수력 및 단백질의 용출성에 미치는 영향과 가열처리 후에 조기육을 원료로 가공한 어묵의 texture에 미치는 영향을 조사하기 위하여 인산염을 첨가하지 않은 대조구와 4종의 시판 복합 인산염을 첨가수준별로 사용했을 때의 기능적 성질을 분석 검토하였다. 연육의 보수력 및 염용성 단백질량은 조기연육에는 인산염 B(sodium poly-phosphate 50%, sodium pyro-phosphate 20%, sodium tetra meta-phosphate 20%, sodium acid pyrophosphate 5%, sodium ultra meta-phosphate 5%)를, 갈치연육에는 인산염 C(sodium poly-phosphate 40%, sodium pyro-phosphate 30%, potassium pyro-phosphate 15%, sodium tetra meta-phosphate 10%, hexa meta-phosphate 5%)를 각각 0.4% 첨가한 경우가 가장 효과적이었고 그 때의 염용성 단백질의 용출량은 조기연육이 954㎎%, 갈치연육이 686㎎%였다. 조기육을 원료로 하여 가공한 어묵의 적정 가열조건은 85℃에서 45분간 가열한 것이 조직감이 양호하였다. 한편 121℃에서 10분간 가열한 경우는 C 인산염이 다른 인산염에 비하여 어육 단백질의 열안 정성이 높은 것으로 나타났다.
Effects of four kinds of phosphate complex on the water holding capacity(W.H.C) and protein solubility of yellow-corvenia(Pseudosciance manchurica) and hair tail(Trichurus lepturns) meat paste were investigated. The formulations of four kinds of phosphate complex employed to this experiment were made by mixing several phosphates such as sodium polyphosphate, sodium pyro-phosphate, sodium acid pyro-phosphate, potassium pyro-phosphate, sodium tetra meta-phosphate, sodim ultra meta-phosphate and sodium hexa meta-phosphate, and monoglyceride at different mixture ratios. Among the four kinds of phosphate complex, phosphate B complex which was formulated by mixing sodium poly-phosphate 50%, sodium pyro-phosphate 20%, sodium tetra meta-phosphate 20%, sodium acid pyrophosphate 5% and sodium ultra meta-phosphate 5% was most effective on enhancing the W.H.C and protein solubility of yellow corvenia meat paste, and in case of hair tail meat paste, phosphate C complex which was formulated by mixing sodium poly-phosphate 40%, sodium pyro-phosphate 30%, potassium pyro-phosphate 15%, sodium tetra meta-phosphate 10%, and sodium hexa meta-phosphate 5% was more effective than other phospate complex, and their optimum addition level was 0.4% respectively in weight of fish meat paste. Texture characteristics such as hardness, cohesiveness, and springiness value of Kamaboko(fish meat paste product) were evaluated as best when 0.3% of phosphate B complex was added. The optimum cooking condition of Kamaboko to get good texture was heating for 45 mimutes at 85℃.