산채식물인 영아자(Horned Rampion ; Phyteuma japonicum Miq.)의 영양학적인 가치를 평가코져 야생 및 평지재배 시료를 잎과 줄기로 구분하여 일반성분, 비타민 C, 유리당, 무기물, 핵산관련물질, 구성 아미노산 및 유리아미노산을 분석하였다. 야생과 재배 영아자의 회분은 1.2∼2.7%의 범위였고, 조지방과 조단백질은 재배시료가 조섬유는 야생시료에서 더 높은 함량으로 정량되었고, 전당은 두 시료간에 대차를 보이지 않았다. 비타민 C는 줄기보다는 잎에서 재배시료보다는 야생시료에서 더 높게 정량되었다. 유리당은 야생 및 재배시료 모두 glucose, frucose 및 sucrose가 잎보다 줄기에서 높게 정량되었다. 무기물은 총 9종이 분석되었는데 이중 칼슘의 함량이 가장 높아 재배시료의 경우 잎은 34374.0㎎/㎏, 즐기는 9584.1㎎/㎏였고, 그 다음으로 칼륨, 마그네슘의 순으로 많았으며, 야생시료도 비슷한 경향을 보였다. 핵산 관련물질은 CMP, UMP, IMP, AMP 및 hypoxanthine이 동정되었는데 잎과 줄기 모두 야생시료에서는 hypoxanthine이, 재배시료에서는 AMP가 월등히 높게 정량되었다. 구성아미노산은 총 17종으로 야생시료에서는 glutamic acid, 재배시료는 잎의 경우 aspartic acid, 줄기의 경우 glutamic acid의 함량이 가장 많았다. 유리아미노산은 총 29종이 동정되었고 야생시료의 잎에서는 glutamic acid, 줄기에서는 γ-aminoisobutyric acid, 재배시료의 줄기에서는 asparagine이 가장 높은 함량으로 정량되었다.
This research is to establish the basic data of the nutritive value and improve our diet. In the part of th leaf and stem of the wild cultivated horned rampion(Phyteuma japonicum Mig), the components such as chemical composition, vitamin C, free sugar, mineral, nucleotide and its related compounds, composition and free amino acid were analyzed one after another. Content of the crude lipids and proteins was determined much higher in its wildness than in its cultivated horned rampion ; while, that of carbohydrates was higher in the former than in the latter. The content of vitamin C was retained higher in the leaf than in the stem horned rampion. And the content of calcium among the detected minerals was outstanding in all of the samples collected, and potassium and magnesium was the next ones in its order. The main components of free sugars in both the wild and cultivated horned rampion were glucose and fructose, and their content was higher in the stem than in the leaf. Nucleotide and its related compounds were identified with 5 kinds of nuciotides such as CMP, UMP, IMP, AMP and hypoxanthine(Hx), and the content of Hx and AMP was the highest in the wild and cultivated samples, respcetively. In the composition amino acid of the wild horned rampion, glutamic acid, aspartic acid and phenylalanine was outstandingly abundant; while, such amino acid as methionine and proline was small and besides cysteine couldn`t be detected in the stem. Total amounts of composition amino acid in the leaf was 2118.0 and 1120.1㎎% in the wild and cultivated sample, respectively. In the free amino acid of horned rampion, the total amount ranged from 8.5 to 50.1㎎%, which were lower level than that of composition amino acid. But the number of free amino acid was 29 kinds, which was bigger in its number than of composition amino acid detected 17 kinds.