강원도 원주지방에서 분리한 고온성 방선균을 사용하여 단백질 분해력이 강한 균주를 선별하여 생산조건을 조사하였다. 온도에 대한 효소 생산성을 검토한 결과 배양온도는 50℃에서 가장 좋았으며 균체 생성량도 가장 많았다. 최적의 탄소원과 질수원은 각각 0.5% soluble starch와 0.4% yeast extract였다. 효소생산을 위한 배지의 초기 pH는 8.0, 금속염은 0.05% CaCl_2에서 48시간 정치 배양하였을 때 최대의 생산성을 보였다.
Microbial proteases have certain unique characteristice, and are now widely used in food, leather, detergent, and pharmaceutical industries. Thermophilic Actinomyces producing the protease was isolated from soil in Wonju city. This strain was able to grow and produce protease at the culture temperature of 50℃. The maximum protease production was obtained when 0.5% soluble starch and 0.4% yeast extract were used as carbon and nitrogen source, respectively. The other culture condition for the maximal productivity of the protease was 0.1% K_2HPO_4, and 0.05% CaCl_2 at initial pH 8.0 for 48 hours.