녹차 및 매실추출물이 아질산염 소거, 전자 공여능 및 NDMA 생성 억제에 미치는 영향을 분석하고, 질산염과 아민이 풍부한 식단(CW)에 인공타액과 위액을 이용한 "simulated digestion" 에서 확인하였다. 녹차와 매실 추출물의 아질산염 소거작용을 pH 1.0, 4.2 및 6.0에서 실험 결과, pH가 낮을수록, 시료 첨가량이 많을수록 효과적이었으며 pH 1.2에서 녹차 추출물 0.5ml 첨가시킬 경우 99.6%의 높은 소거작용을 나타내었고, 매실 추출물 3ml 첨가시 77.2%의 소거작용을 나타내었다. 녹차 및 매실 추출물의 전자공여 작용은 각각 70.6%, 75.1%로 높게 나타났다. 녹차와 매실 추출물의 NDMA 생성억제 효과는 pH 1.2 에서 가장 뛰어났고, 시료량이 증가할수록 억제효과가 높아 3ml 첨가시에 82.1%와 73.2%의 억제효과를 나타내었다. 실험식이에 녹차 및 매실 추출물의 첨가량을 달리하여 인공소화시킬 때 NDMA 생성억제 효과는 시료 첨가량에 비례하여 각각 20ml 첨가시 녹차 추출물은 57.9%, 매실 추출물은 48.4%의 NDMA 생성억제 효과를 나타내었다.
The effects of nitrite scavenging, electron donating and N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) formation in vitro and green tea (Camellia sinensis) and Maesil (prunus mume) were studied. The green tea and Maesil extracts were tested for their nitrite-scavenging effect under the different pH conditions such as pH 1.2, 4.2 and 6.0. The effects of nitrite-scavenging in all concentrations were diminished in the alkali condition, whiled its effects in the acidic condition of pH 1.2 were reached of more than 99.0% by adding above 0.5ml of green tea extract. And also, nitrite-scavenging effect by adding 3ml of Maesil extract was about 77.0%. The electron donating ability (EDA) of green tea and Maesil extracts was 70.6%, 75.1%, respectively. The formation of NDMA was very effectiveness which was inhibited 82.1%, 73.2% at reaction mixture of pH 2.5 adding 3ml of above extracts, respectively. The ground CW, TW1 and TW2 (refer to Table 1) diets were incubated with 10ml simulated saliva and 40 ml gastric juice at 37℃ for 2hrs. NDMA formation was inhibited at all levels of green tea and Measil extracts.