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“NP+好+V”的语义指向和动词限制考察 KCI 등재

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/429154
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中國學 (중국학)
대한중국학회 (Korean Association For Chinese Studies)

空范畴(empty category)是在所有人类语言中普遍存在的语言现象,空范畴理论主 要研究的语义问题。空范畴是指句法关系中,有语义内容却没有语音表现形式的部分。本 文从广义、狭义语义指向分析入手,借助空范畴理论,以及框架理论,对“NP+好+V” 构式进行了分析。本文将利用语义指向分析和空范畴等理论,对“NP+好+V”构式的语 义指向和动词限制以及理解与语义背景做出考察。

Empty category is a common language phenomenon in all human languages. The semantic problem of empty category is mainly studied, which is a component with semantic content but no phonetic form in a certain syntactic relationship. This paper starts with the analysis of broad sense and narrow sense semantic orientation, and analyzes the NP+好+V construction with the help of empty category theory and frame theory. This paper will use the theory of semantic pointing analysis and empty category to investigate the semantic pointing, verb restriction, understanding and semantic background of the NP+好 +V construction.From the point of view of the semantic orientation in a narrow sense, it is the correlation between the two components, that is, the semantic orientation within the NP+好+V construction, which represents different meanings according to different orientations. In a broad sense, semantic orientation refers to the relationship between components and semantics, that is, it may point to the external components of NP+好+V. At this time, the object pointed to by semantics may not appear in the NP+好+V construction due to reasons such as omission. If necessary, you can Complement it, but it does not affect the understanding of its semantics.

1. 引言
2. NP+好+V的组件限制
  • 徐泽方(京畿道教育厅,中国语教师) | 서택방
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