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数字资本与技术主义下的中国NFT艺术 KCI 등재

Chinese NFT Art under Digital Capital and Technocracy

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/429516
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,900원
中國學 (중국학)
대한중국학회 (Korean Association For Chinese Studies)

In today’s wave of digital capital and technocracy, the rise of Chinese NFT art has become a striking focus. This phenomenon is driven by the philosophical connotation of the meta-universe, as well as the formation of a unique art ecology under the framework of digital rights. As a concept, the meta-universe is not only a product of the digital age, but also carries deep philosophical connotations. Taking NFT digital art as a research object, this paper discusses the value of NFT digital art in digital capital and technocracy. It also systematically analyses the current situation and characteristics of NFT digital art, explores its value in the financial and social fields through practical cases, and presents the process of its rise in China’s culture and market, which offers new opportunities for aesthetic creation in the digital era. Through a comprehensive analysis of the meta-universe, NFT digital art and Chinese NFT art under digital capital, this study aims to provide theoretical support and inspiration for current research in the field of digital art. It summarises the cultural values and future trends behind digital capital and technocracy, and provides a useful reference for the development of art in the digital era.

现今数字资本与技术主义的浪潮中,中国NFT艺术的崛起成为引人注目的焦点。这一 现象背后既有元宇宙的哲学内涵推动,又有数字确权的框架下形成的独特艺术生态。元宇 宙作为一个概念不仅仅代表着数字时代的产物,更蕴含着深刻的哲学内涵。本研究以NFT 数字艺术为研究对象,探讨NFT数字艺术在数字资本及技术主义中的价值。并系统地分析N FT数字艺术的现状和属性,结合实际案例探究其在金融和社会领域的价值,呈现其在中国 文化和市场中的兴起过程,为数字时代的审美创造提供了新的可能性。通过对元宇宙、NF T数字艺术及数字资本下的中国NFT艺术进行全面的剖析,旨在为当前数字艺术领域的研究 提供理论支持与启示。并总结数字资本与技术主义背后蕴含的文化价值与未来趋势,为数 字时代的艺术发展提供有益的借鉴和参考。

1. 元宇宙与数字确权
    1) 元宇宙的哲学内涵
    2) 元宇宙资产的数字确权
2. NFT数字艺术交易形式与交互框架
    1) NFT数字艺术交易形式
    2) NFT数字艺术交互框架
3. NFT数字艺术价值
    1) NFT数字艺术的内容价值
    2) NFT数字艺术去中心化的稀缺价值
    3) NFT数字艺术的流通价值
4. NFT数字艺术在中国的发展
5. 结语
  • 刘磊(南京传媒学院播音主持艺术学院讲师,南昌理工学院客座教授) | 리우레이
  • 金桂台(群山大学中国学系教授) | 김계태 Corresponding author
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