Dry head end process is developing for pyro-processing at KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute). Dry processes, which include disassembling, mechanical decladding, vol-oxidation, blending, compaction, and sintering shall be performed in advance as the head-end process of pyro-processing. Also, for the operation of the head-end process, the design of the connecting systems between the down ender and the dismantling process is required. The disassembling process includes apparatus for down ender, dismantling of the SF (Spent Fuel) assembly (16×16 PWR), rod extraction, and cutting of extracted spent fuel rods. The disassembling process has four-unit apparatus, which comprises of a down ender that brings the assembly from a vertical position to a horizontal position, a dismantler to remove the upper and bottom nozzles of the spent fuel assembly, an extractor to extract the spent fuel rods from the assembly, and a cutter to cut the extracted spent fuel rods as a final step to transfer the rod-cuts to the mechanical decladding process. An important goal of dismantling process is the disassembling of a spent nuclear fuel assembly for the subsequent extraction process. In order to design the down ender and dismantler, these systems were analyzed and designed, also concept on the interference tools between down ender and dismantler were considered by using the solid works tool.