The deep geological repository consisting of a multi-barrier system (engineered and natural barriers) is generally designed to isolate the high-level radioactive waste. The natural barrier is outermost portion to secure safety of the disposal. Crystalline rocks are considered for potential geological repository media to retard and inhibit the migration of radionuclides when the radionuclides leak from the canister and break through the engineered barrier. Sorption and diffusion processes play a major role in retardation of the radionuclides in deep underground environment. In order to evaluate the migration of radionuclides in the safety assessment or geochemical modelling, distribution coefficient and diffusivity of radionuclides are required as input data. In this study, we performed mineralogical and geochemical analysis for a crystalline rock (e.g., granite) to use the sorption and diffusion experiment. The fresh rock samples are obtained from a deep core samples (DB-2) drilled up to 1 km from the surface at KURT (KAERI Underground Research Tunnel) site. For the optical and microscopic examination, thin sections of the rock sample were provided. The rock samples were crushed into powder size to analyze major and trace elements of the whole-rock aliquots. The powdered specimens also used for mineral identification and measurement of specific surface area. The major constituent minerals of the granite are plagioclase, quartz, and K-feldspar and the minor minerals are phlogopite, biotite, and chlorite. According to the results of geochemical analysis, the granite specimens generally contain more than 70wt% of SiO2 and 8wt% of total alkali oxides (Na2O + K2O). The trace elements normalized to primitive mantle compositions show positive Cs, Rb, U, K, and Pb anomalies and negative Nb and Ti anomalies. The rock samples have an average density of 2.62 g·cm−3 and an average porosity of 0.222%. The crushed samples represent the specific surface area of 0.2087 m2·g−1 for the 75–150 μm fraction and 0.1616 m2·g−1 for the 150–300 μm fraction by BET method, respectively. The granite specimens will be used for the sorption and diffusion experiments to evaluate the radionuclides’ geochemical behaviors. The mineralogical and geochemical properties provided in this study can be useful in understanding the sorption and diffusion processes of significant radionuclides under the geological disposal environments.