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A Study on the Method of Screening Radionuclides of Concerns for Kori Unit 1 Decommissioning

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/431098
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한국방사성폐기물학회 학술논문요약집 (Abstracts of Proceedings of the Korean Radioactive Wasts Society)
한국방사성폐기물학회 (Korean Radioactive Waste Society)

This study presents a methodology to determine the radionuclides of concern that are expected to be found during the final status survey of Kori Unit 1 decommissioning. The methodology involved reflecting the evaluation results of ORIGEN based on reference documents such as NUREG/CR-3474, NUREG/CR-4289, NUREG/CR-0130, WINCO-1191, and representative fuel loading. A list of potential radionuclides of concern was provided by reflecting the list of radionuclides of concern included in the Kori Unit 1 decommissioning plan. To select the radionuclides of concern, we analyzed the approach of US decommissioning plants based on the recommendations of NUREG-1757 Vol.2 Rev.1 and excluded certain radionuclides from the list. The final list of 23 radionuclides of concern was derived by excluding radionuclides that have a short half-life, low specific activity, analytically difficult to measure, inert gases, or naturally occurring radionuclides. This methodology can be applied to other nuclear power plants, such as the Wolsong Nuclear Power Plant, by reflecting the unique characteristics of the reactor.

  • Dong-Gyun Lee(Pusan National University)
  • Soon-Hwan Son(AGENCORE CO., LTD.)
  • SeokYoung Ahn(Pusan National University) Corresponding author