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Excavation, Collection, and Research of New Materials on the Study of the Qing Dynasty’s Shuowen


  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/435027
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세계한자학회 (The Wolrd Association of Chinese Characters Studies)

In the history of Chinese academics, Xu Shen’s Shuowen Jiezi (hereinafter referred to as Shuowen) is known as “the first of its kind in the world” because it has the dual characteristics of explaining the form, sound, and meaning of Chinese characters and the characteristics of theoretical works on philology, both of which are practical. It has not only become a treasure of codex for the compilation of character books and exegesis, but also laid down the basic patterns of traditional philology and biblio-linguistics, with far-reaching influence. Many scholars have researched Shuowen in the past dynasties, resulting in the formation of an independent thematic discipline called Shuowen, also known as Xuxue (許學). According to Ding Fubao (丁福保), Shuowen jiezi Gulin (hereinafter referred to as Gulin) attached to the Yingyong Zhushu Xingshi Lu (引用諸書姓氏錄) statistics, there were as many as 203 people in the Qing Dynasty who studied and wrote Shuowen. In fact, there are many scholars and their achievements that are not included in the statistics. After Gulin, especially in the last 30 years, a lot of new materials of scholars in the Qing Dynasty who studied the Shuowen have been excavated and published. Most of these new materials are dispersed in their original state in different large series, so they are rarely researched and utilized, and their documentary and scholarly value is in urgent need of formal recognition. Based on the preliminary results of the major project of the National Social Science Foundation (21&ZD299) chaired by Li Yunfu (李運富), this article discusses the excavation, collation, and research of new materials on Shuowen in the Qing Dynasty.

清代《說文》學新材料指《說文解字詁林》之後影印出版且尚未研究利用過 的材料,主要是稿抄本。這些材料對研究清代《說文》學史意義重大。文章對清代 《說文》學新材料的發掘、整理與研究三方面進行了論述。在發掘方面,文章對目前 已搜集到的研究《說文》的170餘種新材料進行了大致的介紹。在整理方面,文章對新 材料的篩選及整理原則進行了論述。 在研究方面,文章介紹了現有部分稿抄本的研究 情況,然後從文獻、學理、學史、應用等不同角度提出可以拓展的研究思路,並提出 建設多功能資料庫的設想。

1. Excavation of New Materials for the Study of Shuowen in the QingDynasty
    1.1. The scope of new materials for studying Shuowen in the Qing Dynasty
    1.2. Collection of new materials for the study of Shuowen in theQing Dynasty
2. Collection of new materials for the study of Shuowen in the QingDynasty
    2.1. Filtering conditions for text collection
    2.2. Standards for the Organization and Writing Form of Texts
3. Research on new materials for studying Shuowen in Qing Dynasty
    3.1. Overview of existing research
    3.2. Future Research
  • Yun-fu LI(Research Center for the Inheritance, Dissemination and Education of the Chinese Characters Civilization, Zhengzhou University) | 李運富 (鄭州大學 漢字文明傳承傳播與教育研究中心)
  • Jian-xing REN(Research Center for the Inheritance, Dissemination and Education of the Chinese Characters Civilization, Zhengzhou University) | 任健行 (鄭州大學 漢字文明傳承傳播與教育研究中心) Corresponding author