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Increasing Maritime Transport Volume in the direction of Enhancing Maritime Transport Market Share: Vietnam case study

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/435415
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국제이네비해양경제학회 (International Association of e-Navigation and Ocean Economy)

Shipping universally accounts for 80% of global trade and 70% in price terms. While in Vietnam, not only the maritime transport market share, especially with international goods, has decreased significantly but also the maritime transport volume of national fleet tends to decrease. Therefore, the solutions of increasing the transport volume along with regaining the transport market share are a major concern for Vietnam's shipping development plan. With the purpose of finding these important solutions, this research aims at investigating the factors affecting the national fleet’s transport volume by ARDL model based on Vietnamese fleet’s transport volume quarterly data from 2008 to 2022. The results demonstrate that the deadweight tonnage of the fleet and GDP are the two fundamental factors which have positive influences on transport volume of Vietnamese shipping fleet in both the short run and the long run. Then, the paper proposes solutions how these two variables, especially the tonnage of the fleet increase the maritime transport market share as well. The findings provide clear directions to the policy makers and the shipping company in proposing relevant solutions for shipping development plan.

1. Introduction
2. Data and Method
    2.1. Data
    2.2. Method
3. Results and Discussion
    3.1. Stationary tests
    3.2. Results of estimation
    3.3. Discussion
4. Conclusion
  • Thu Giang VUONG(Faculty of Economics, Vietnam Maritime University, Vietnam)