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가압식 TiO2 고정화 공법의 NOx 제거효율 반복 재현성 및 환경 유해성 평가 KCI 등재

Evaluation of NOx Removal Efficiency Repeatability and Environmental Hazard of Pressurized TiO2 Fixation Method

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/435518
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한국도로학회논문집 (International journal of highway engineering)
한국도로학회 (Korean Society of Road Engineers)

PURPOSES : Recently, air pollution due to fine particulate matter has been increasing in Korea. Nitrogen oxides (NOx) are particulate matter precursors significantly contributing to air pollution. Increasing efforts have been dedicated to NOx removal from air, since it is particularly harmful. Application of titanium dioxide (TiO2) for concrete road structures is a suitable alternative to remove NOx. As the photocatalytic reaction of TiO2 is the mechanism that eliminates NOx, the ultraviolet rays in sunlight and TiO2 in existing concrete structures need to be contacted for the reaction process. For the application of vertical concrete road structures such as retaining walls, side ditches, and barriers, a pressurized TiO2 fixation method has been developed considering the pressure and pressurization time. In this study, longterm serviceability and repeatability were investigated on concrete specimens applying the dynamic pressurized TiO2 fixation method. Additionally, the environmental hazards of nitrate adsorbed on TiO2 particles were evaluated. METHODS : Concrete specimens to simulate roadside vertical concrete structures were manufactured and used to evaluate the long-term serviceability and repeatability of the dynamic pressurized TiO2 fixation method. The NOx removal efficiency was measured using NOx evaluation equipment based on ISO 22197-1. In addition, the nitrate concentration was measured using a comprehensive water quality analyzer for evaluating environmental hazards. RESULTS : As the experiment to evaluate the NOx removal efficiency of the dynamic pressurized TiO2 fixation method progressed from one to seven cycles, the nitrate concentration increased from 2.35 mg/L to 3.06 mg/L, and the NOx removal efficiency decreased from 53% to 25%. After seven cycles of NOx removal efficiency evaluation, the average nitrate concentration was 3.06 mg/L. The nitrate concentration collected immediately after the NOx removal efficiency test for each cycle was in the range of 2.51 to 2.57 mg/L. By contrast, it was confirmed that the nitrate concentration was lowered to approximately 2.1 mg/L when the surface was washed with water. CONCLUSIONS : The NOx removal efficiency was maintained at over 25% even after seven cycles of NOx removal efficiency evaluation, securing long-term serviceability. In addition, the harmful effects on the environment and human health are insignificant, since the nitrate concentration was less than 10 mg/L, in accordance with domestic and foreign standards. Practical applicability of the pressurized TiO2 fixation method was established by evaluating the long-term serviceability, repeatability, and environmental hazards.

1. 서론
2. TiO2 콘크리트의 광촉매 반응 특성
    2.1. TiO2 소재의 광촉매 반응에 따른 질소산화물 제거
    2.2. 질산성 질소의 특성 및 유해성
3. TiO2 콘크리트의 장기 공용성 및 환경 유해성실험 전략
4. TiO2 콘크리트의 공용성 및 반복 재현성 평가
    4.1. TiO2 콘크리트의 공용성 및 환경 유해성
    4.2 .TiO2 콘크리트의 반복재현성 평가
5. 결론
  • 김재훈(한국건설기술연구원 국가건설기준센터 박사후연구원) | Kim Jae Hoon
  • 김광현(동일기술공사 도로사업본부 사원) | Kim Gwang hyun
  • 채성욱(국토안전관리원 충청지역본부 기반시설안전실) | Chae Sung Wook
  • 안희락(강릉원주대학교 토목공학과 박사과정) | Ahn Hui Rak
  • 김영규(강릉원주대학교 스마트인프라연구소 연구교수, 공학박사) | Kim Young Kyu Corresponding author