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다랑어 원양어선에서 발생하는 산업재해에 대한 정량적 위험성 분석 KCI 등재

Quantitative risk analysis of industrial incidents occurring on overseas tuna fishing vessels

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/436540
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,300원
수산해양기술연구 (Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology)
한국수산해양기술학회(구 한국어업기술학회) (The Korean Society of Fisheriers and Ocean Technology)

This study quantitatively analyzes risks of industrial incidents to fisher on overseas tuna purse seiners and long liners. A Bayesian network is employed to analyze 478 cases of industrial incidents, comprising 401 cases from purse seiners and 77 cases from long liners, reported from 2019 to 2022. The highest risk of industrial incidents on purse seiners is attributed to diseases. Excluding diseases, risks are the highest during fishing: 5.31 times higher during catch handling, 2.05 times higher during maintenance, and 2.38 times higher during loading and unloading. The risk of industrial incidents caused by the hull is 9.50 times higher than those caused by fishing gear, 4.59 times higher than those caused by machinery, and 3.61 times higher than those caused by the caught fish. Among the types of industrial incidents, slips are the highest: 2.58 times higher than industrial incidents caused by being bump, 3.74 times higher than those caused by hit, and 3.94 times higher than those caused by imbalance and overexertion. For long liners, most industrial incidents are concentrated in diseases, with dental, musculoskeletal, skin, and respiratory diseases being the primary types of industrial incidents identified. This study aims to propose reduction measures for reducing the high-risk form of industrial incidents, specifically slips, and to present health management strategies for preventing diseases among fisher on overseas tuna fishing vessels. By addressing these aspects, this study seeks to contribute to the safety and sustainability of the overseas tuna fishing industry.

서 론
자료 및 방법
결과 및 고찰
    산업재해 발생 현황
    베이지안 네트워크를 이용한 위험성 분석
    산업재해 저감 방안
결 론
  • 이승현(국립부경대학교 해양생산시스템관리학부 대학원생) | Seung-Hyun LEE (Graduate student, Department of Fisheries Physics, Pukyong National University, Busan 48513, Korea)
  • 박인창(한국해양수산연수원 실습선 항해사) | In-Chang PARK (Officer, Training Ship, Korea Institute of Maritime and Fisheries Technology, Busan 49111, Korea)
  • 김남구(한국해양수산연수원 실습선 선장) | Nam-Gu KIM (Captain, Training Ship, Korea Institute of Maritime and Fisheries Technology, Busan 49111, Korea)
  • 김수형(국립부경대학교 실습선 교수) | Su-Hyung KIM (Professor, Training Ship, Pukyong National University, Busan 48513, Korea)
  • 류경진(국립부경대학교 해양생산시스템관리학부 교수) | Kyung-Jin RYU (Professor, Division of Marine Production System Management, Pukyong National University, Busan 48513, Korea)
  • 이유원(국립부경대학교 해양생산시스템관리학부 교수) | Yoo-Won LEE (Professor, Division of Marine Production System Management, Pukyong National University, Busan 48513, Korea) Corresponding author