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조선 후기 김룡사 화장암(華藏庵) 인법당(因法堂)의 건축적 특징에 관한 연구 - 대공간 구성을 위한 상부 가구의 유형적 변화를 중심으로 - KCI 등재

A Research on the Architectural Characteristics of In-beop-dang (因法堂) in Gim-nyong-sa Wha-jang-am Hermitage in the late Joseon Dynasty - The Typological Adjustment of Upper Structure for Large Space Configuration -

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/436565
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
건축역사연구 (Journal of Architectural History)
한국건축역사학회 (Korean Association of Architectural History)

In-beop-dang (因法堂) is a building type that can confirm the complex space composition of the hermitage in the late Joseon Period, which is designed to accommodate various functions such as Buddhist priesthood, living spaces, and auditoriums. These facts have been confirmed mainly through plan analysis in many previous researches. However, such a plan composition has the potential to lead to more in-depth research when dealt with consideration of the Korean traditional wooden structure. In particular, the composition of upper structure in In-beop-dang with Toi-maru in front of the On-dol room can be considered from the perspective of structural response to wooden architecture in the Joseon period after the introduction of Toi-maru. Based on the achievements of these prior studies, this paper was conducted to examine the compositional characteristics, including the upper structure of the Wha-jang-am (華藏庵) In-beop-dang. In order to examine the universal aspects of structural type changes to cope with the complex spatial composition of the In-beop-dang, the cases of an in-mountain hermitage of Kim Nyong-sa(金龍寺) Temple, Geum-seon-dae (金仙臺), Yang-jin-am (養眞庵), and Dae-sung-am (大成庵).

1. 서 론
2. 조선 후기 김룡사의 위상과 화장암 건립
    2-1. 18세기 김룡사의 사세 확장
    2-2. 화장암의 입지와 현황
3. 화장암 인법당의 공간 구성과 건축적 특징
    3-1. 대중방 중심의 복합 공간
    3-2. 개방된 툇마루와 정면성의 강조
    3-3. 지붕 구조의 안정을 위한 상부 가구
4. 외편주 사용과 량가 구성의 가변성
    4-1. 대중방의 보 방향 공간 확보를 위한 노력
    4-2. 외편주의 효용과 인법당 상부 가구로의 선택
    4-3. 김룡사 산내암자 인법당 상부 가구의 가변성
5. 결 론
  • 배창현(울산대학교 건축학부 조교수) | Bae Chang-Hyun (Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, Univeristy of Ulsan. Daehak-ro 93, Nam-gu, Ulsan, 44610, Republic of Korea) Corresponding author