
건축역사연구 KCI 등재 Journal of Architectural History

이 간행물 논문 검색


Vol.33 No.4 (155호) (2024년 8월) 9

2024.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study sought to reveal the architectural characteristics of Quonset church built in the Archdiocese of Gwangju, and the conclusions are as follows. The Quonset structure, which was used as a military barracks during World War II and was designed to be easily assembled and disassembled quickly, was used in Damyang, Hwasun, and Gokseong churchs. They were all built in 1958, after the Korean War, and can be related to the historical background of the rapid increase in the number of Catholics. They are utility buildings that can accommodate many believers, that is, large quonsets measuring 40 feet (width) x 100 feet (length). The floor plan was largely divided into two spaces, with about 3/4 reserved for the nave and altar, and the remaining 1/4, or 24 to 30 feet, used as a sacristy or confessional. The cross-section is a semicircle with a radius of 20 feet, framed by 6-inch ribs, and its unique structure, in which bricks are stacked on the outside to form the exterior, makes it different from a typical brick church. Unlike other stone churches built around the same time, Quonset church was not expanded. This may be due to the difficulty in supplying special materials such as the ribs that make up the frame, as well as the absence of relevant experts.
2024.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study compares St. Nicholas' Orthodox Church in Seoul (1968) and St. Dionysios' Orthodox Church in Ulsan (2005), which are Byzantine-style churches under the Korean Orthodox Church, with Hagiya Sophia in Istanbul, a masterpiece of Byzantine architecture. Focusing on the construction method and shape of the dome, which is a major characteristic of Byzantine architecture, this study compares the architectural background of these three churches, the presence and shape of the dome, the presence of drums, and the number and shape of skylights. As a result, it was found that these three churches differ in the construction method of the dome due to differences in different architectural backgrounds and structural methods, and that these structural and morphological differences ultimately determine the atmosphere of the interior space of the cathedral. This study examines two representative Byzantine Orthodox churches in Korea, both designed by the same architect, Zho Chang Han (b. 1936), with a time gap of approximately 40 years between them. It holds particular significance in exploring how the Byzantine dome was constructed differently by analyzing the historical context and structural characteristics of the Orthodox Church.
2024.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study aims to examine how the Gyeongseong Hokuk Shrine established the natural environment in Yongsan during the Japanese colonial period, focusing on the relationship between Japan and Chosen Hokuk Shrines. In the colonies, the establishment of shrines strongly tended to symbolize Imperial Japan and visually represent its ruling logic. The Gyeongseong Hokuk Shrine holds historical significance as a place to commemorate soldiers who died for the Emperor and as a tool of colonial rule, but further discussion is needed on how it was organized within the Yongsan. This study focuses on Hokuk Shrine planning under which the Shrine Bureau of Home Ministry constructed similar shrines across Japan by the Ministry of Home Affairs Ordinance No. 12 of 1939. As a result, this study examines the environment and architectural styles of Hokuk Shrines through examples from Japan and uses this analysis to explore the characteristics of Gyeongseong Hokuk Shrine and its relationship with the Yongsan. The significance of this research lies in highlighting the historical urban significance of Yongsan during the modern period.
2024.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In-beop-dang (因法堂) is a building type that can confirm the complex space composition of the hermitage in the late Joseon Period, which is designed to accommodate various functions such as Buddhist priesthood, living spaces, and auditoriums. These facts have been confirmed mainly through plan analysis in many previous researches. However, such a plan composition has the potential to lead to more in-depth research when dealt with consideration of the Korean traditional wooden structure. In particular, the composition of upper structure in In-beop-dang with Toi-maru in front of the On-dol room can be considered from the perspective of structural response to wooden architecture in the Joseon period after the introduction of Toi-maru. Based on the achievements of these prior studies, this paper was conducted to examine the compositional characteristics, including the upper structure of the Wha-jang-am (華藏庵) In-beop-dang. In order to examine the universal aspects of structural type changes to cope with the complex spatial composition of the In-beop-dang, the cases of an in-mountain hermitage of Kim Nyong-sa(金龍寺) Temple, Geum-seon-dae (金仙臺), Yang-jin-am (養眞庵), and Dae-sung-am (大成庵).