
건축역사연구 KCI 등재 Journal of Architectural History

이 간행물 논문 검색


Vol.31 No.1 (2022년 2월) 15

2022.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The purpose of this thesis is to understand the shape of the Sijeon (Licensed-Markets) established around the Jongno and Namdaemun-ro Avenues in Hanyang during the Joseon Dynasty in the 19th and 20th centuries and then to examine the relationship with the urban structures of Hanyang City. By investigating the excavation results of the Cheongjin and Gongpyeong areas, drawings, photos, and documentary records related to the city, this study classified the building types in the Jonggak area. As a result, since the 19th century, the basic form of Sijeon with 2 Gan(間, bay) in the front facade and 3 Gan(間) on the side, in other words, 5m in the front and 8m in the side was arranged in parallel, and it was a type with a corridor-type courtyard inside. The inner sides of Jongno Avenue had an atypical flat shape that suited the more free lot, and a courtyard-type plan with a single entrance was also confirmed in the one or two Bang(房, district). This study reflected the operation method of the Sijeon buildings b between the one unit and the other units, which affected the internal spatial structures, and it found that the size and style of the Sijeon buildings were closely relevant to the size of the lots near Jongno Avenue.
2022.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The construction period of the ondol (Korean floor heating system) at Hoeamsa Temple Site is known as Joseon. The main reason is that a large number of remains in the Joseon era were excavated from the ondol floor with an all-around ondol method. This article partially accepts the theory of the creation of Ondol at Hoeamsa Temple Site during the Joseon Dynasty and suggests a new argument that some Ondol remains were built during the Goryeo Dynasty. The grounds for them are as follows. First, through the building sites consistent with the arrangement of the Cheonbosan Hoeamsa Sujogi (天寶山檜 巖寺修造記, Record of Repair and Construction of Hoeamsa at Cheonbosan Mountain), it is highly likely that the ondol remains as a basic floor was maintained during the reconstruction period in Goryeo. Second, the all-around ondol method of the Monastery Site has already been widely used since the Goryeo Dynasty. Third, some ondol remains consist of "Mingaejari" and "Dunbeonggaejari," which were the methods of the gaejari (which dug deeper and stayed in the smoke) in the pre-Joseon Dynasty. Based on the above evidence, this study argues that the building sites such as Dongbangjangji, Seobangjangji, Ipsilyoji, Sijaeyoji, Susewaryoji, Seogiyoji, Seoseungdangji, Jijangryoji, and Hyanghwaryoji were constructed during the late Goryeo Dynasty.
2022.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The remaining Joongjaesil(中齋室)-type pavilions in the eastern part of the Jirisan Mountain area showed more complex characteristics than those in the western part. The front number of kan(間) had two, three, and four kan (間) types, but the number of kan on the side was consistent with two regardless of the number of kan on the front. The pavillion is classified into 'central type', 'towards the backward type', and 'expanded by backwards type' according to the location of Joongjaesil. Joongjaesil's size, which characterizes the characteristics of Joongjaesil-type Pavilion, is related to the building's front number of kan. Front number of kan. When this space was increased by one space to four spaces, Joongjaesil must have two spaces. The pavilion with four bays in front showed the characteristics of being concentrated in Sancheong and Jinju, the eastern part of the Jirisan Mountain area. In the eastern region, many high pavilions remain, and the upper structure of the pavilion was insignificant, but the flat shape and public construction showed strong locality.
2022.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Traditional wooden buildings deform over time and are vulnerable to fire or earthquakes. Therefore, traditional wooden buildings require continuous management and repair, and securing architectural drawings is essential for repair and restoration. Unlike modernized CAD drawings, traditional wooden building drawings scan and store hand-drawn drawings, and in this process, many noise is included due to damage to the drawing itself. These drawings are digitized, but their utilization is poor due to noise. Difficulties in systematic management of traditional wooden buildings are increasing. Noise removal by existing algorithms has limited drawings that can be applied according to noise characteristics and the performance is not uniform. This study presents deep artificial neural network based noised reduction for architectural drawings. Front/side elevation drawings, floor plans, detail drawings of Korean wooden treasure buildings were considered. First, the noise properties of the architectural drawings were learned with both a cycle generative model and heuristic image fusion methods. Consequently, a noise reduction network was trained through supervised learning using training sets prepared using the noise models. The proposed method provided effective removal of noise without deteriorating fine lines in the architectural drawings and it showed good performance for various noise types.
2022.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In the 16~17th centuries, the construction of T-shaped pavilion in Gyeongsangbuk-do was centered on the families of the Goseong-Lee clan and Andong-Kwon clan, who had a lot of exchanges with each other near Andong. It can be presumed that the complex structure of the T-shaped pavilion was intended to represent the technology, economic power, and social influence of the clan. After the 18th century, construction areas spread and construction subjects were diversified, but the number of new constructions decreased. It can be seen that T-shaped pavilion was erected and used for public purposes rather than personal reasons in terms of layout or flat scale. The roof of the T-shaped pavilion is very diverse depending on the wooden structure, the height of the roof and the configuration of the apex. The T-shaped pavilion, which combines two parts, has been developed in a way that strengthens not only the appearance but also the structural bonding force. The bonding strength is strengthened through the process of “roof aligning”, “roof bonding”, “structure connection”, and “structure integration”, which shows a similar tendency to the age of actual cases.
2022.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Bongik-dong, Kwonnong-dong, Ikseon-dong and Nakwon-dong are areas around Donhwamun-ro in Seoul. These residential areas began to be developed collectively from the 1920s and the construction period was the fastest among hanok residences collectively formed in urban center. At that time, houses were developed with high density. In the 1920s, many medium-sized plots of less than 3,300㎡ were distributed around Donhwamun-ro. Private developers such as Jeong Se-kwon(Konyangsa), Shin Tae-jong, and Yoon Heung-rim, who were active at the time, purchased medium-sized plots. Developers sold out the land directly or after constructing Hanok on the divided plot and then selling them. This method of developing hanok residences by private developers in the 1920s have influenced on hanok residences which began to be developed after the 1930s. Currently, many urban Hanoks still remain in areas around Donhwamun-ro. The initial aspects of the hanok development in the 1920s could be grasped through blocks, plot division, alleys, row house Hanok etc around Donhwamun-ro.
2022.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Architecture had played a significant role model in philosophy because the construction of building represented doing philosophy. ‘Architecture as metaphor’ made it possible that doing philosophy was a kind of construction of thinking and western philosopher considered himself as an architect of idea. As a system of system, architectural analogy gave philosophy a chance to insist himself as a theory of theory. So architecture had always been a privileged model of discourse system and also a fundamental metaphor in philosophy. Because of its original meaning, Architecture as techne could be considered as poiesis, that was the special building(making) in western culture. The archi(arche) - structure(techne) was a ideal model and mechanism of philosophy because with this analogy doing philosophy became a kind of building act to make a logical system of idea. This kind of tradition in philosophy, especially metaphysics, made the characteristics of western philosophy ‘architectonic’ that implied the meaning of the rational, stable, hierarchical and holistic. But this kind of tradition exposed the problem of philosophy that focused on Identity and excluded the others. The logocentrism of western philosophy was also the limitation of architectonic thinking and its reductionism became a grand monologue which only allowed systematic, rational discourse. Its ideological position Inevitably caused the anti-architectural thinking in modern age as a diverse form of new trend of thinking as like postmodernism or deconstruction. Even Deconstructivism, or ‘informe’, non-representation in architecture depends upon anti-architectural thinking. Relationship between architecture as metaphor and the building of philosophy is problematique issue.

편집자 기고

자유 기고

2022.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
장인1)은 뛰어난 중국전통건축의 구체적인 창건자이자 실천자이고 기예의 계승자이다. 전통건축공장의 영건기예(營 建技藝)는 중국건축전통의 중요한 부분이다. 중국전통건축공장기예연구중심(中國傳統建築工匠技藝硏究中心, 이하 기 예센터로 약칭함)은 중국전통건축장인의 기예특징과 전승계보, 인재육성의 모델을 심도 있게 발굴하고 과학적인 연구 를 하기 위한 취지를 갖고 설립되었으며, 전통건축장인의 기예를 보존, 전승하는 종합적인 연구를 하는 중국 최초의 플랫홈이라고 할 수 있다. 또한 중국설계감리협회 소속 전통건축분과위원회의 중요한 연구기구이기도 하다. 여기서는 기예센터의 설치배경과 목적 그리고 업무내용에 대한 소개를 통해 기예센터가 목표로 삼고 있는 전통건축장인기예의 보호와 전승 그리고 발전의 장애요인 등에 해 살펴보고, 전통의 관점에 출발한 하나의 장작기예(匠作技藝)를 전반적 으로 연구하는 플랫홈이 장인의 문화, 역사, 인재 배출, 정책, 기예를 연구하는 출발점으로서 고등건축교육체계 속에 서 전통건축설계언어에 숙달된 설계자의 육성 방안을 탐색해 보고자 한다. 전통건축설계가 시공과 어떻게 접목되어 야 하고, 전통건축장인의 육성 모델 등을 연구하는 플랫폼으로서 향후 중국건축의 발전을 위한 원점과 거점을 찾아 보고자 한다.

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