본 연구는 국립수목원 내 전문전시원에 발생한 이입식물을 대상으로 2015년부터 2023년까지 이입식물 분포조사를 시행 하였다. 그 결과 자생식물 299종, 귀화식물 49종, 재배식물 13 종 총 63과 214속 361종이 조사되었다. 국화과가 63종으로 가장 많았고, 벼과, 사초과 순으로 발생하였다. 이입식물의 이입 경로를 분석하기 위하여 광릉숲에 분포하는 식물상과 비교 분석 한 결과 309종이 광릉숲에 분포하는 식물로 확인되었으며, 전 문전시원 내 식재 식물이 확산된 경우가 17종으로 조사되었다. 조사된 귀화식물 49종을 원산지별로 구분하면 유럽과 북아메리카가 69.4%, 이입 시기별 1기와 3기의 비율이 90%를 차지하였 다. 귀화식물의 귀화도 분포 등급을 적용한 결과 4등급 이상이 면서 이입 시기가 3기인 식물 9종은 빠르게 확산할 우려가 큰 식물이므로 지속적인 모니터링이 필요하다. 국립수목원에 어느 정도 귀화식물이 분포하는지를 가늠하는 도시화지수를 산출한 결과 15.0%로 나타났으며, 환경부 지정 생태계교란 야생식물 중 돼지풀, 단풍잎돼지풀, 애기수영, 미국쑥부쟁이가 출현하였 다. 이입식물은 자생식물군락과 전문전시원 내 관람로에 침입하 여 세력권을 확장하고 우점하는 경향이 있어 각각의 생태적 특 성을 고려한 제거 방법이 필요하다.
Ondol is a traditional underfloor heating system designated as a national intangible cultural heritage of Korea. The Cultural Heritage Administration (CHA) publishes a standard specification for the repair of cultural properties, including ondol. This standard specification is used as a guide for contractors who repair ondol in the field. However, the standard specification for ondol repair has some errors and is difficult to understand in the field. This paper proposes a revision of the standard specification for ondol repair. This study found that the standard specification for ondol repair has some problems in terms of the terminology and structure of ondol. These problems were sufficient to confuse ondol repairers in the field. Therefore, this study proposes to revise the standard specification to correct these errors and make it easier for ondol repairers in the field to understand. This study is expected to help recognize and preserve ondol as a cultural property and not just as a building.
The purpose of this study is to develop a method for establishing an educational system for World Heritage interpretation applicable to World Heritage sites and to design an education program for World Heritage interpretation by applying the developed education system in this study. This study first identified the definition of interpretation and the relationship between interpretation and education through previous research and analyzed the role and significance of heritage interpretation due to the paradigm transition in the capacity building of World Heritage sites. Next, the educational status of World Heritage interpretation was analyzed through educational institutions, educational subjects, and curriculum examples. Finally, this study argues that a method for establishing a World Heritage interpretation education system should be presented according to the composition of the curriculum, and the interpretation curriculum planning by interpreters should be proposed focusing on the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of World Heritage sites.
Bongsu(Beacon Fire Station) is a facility that sends signals with fire and smoke and has been used in Korea since the Three Kingdoms period. This facility was installed to know the north and south crises. This trend continues until the Joseon Dynasty, and it has been somewhat completed in the 17th century. In previous studies, beacon fire was identified mainly from the border area to Hanyang. Based on this, it was classified into Gyeongbongsu, Yeonbyeonbongsu, and Naejibongsu. However, it is difficult to define the characteristics of beacon fire in coastal areas only with this classification. In the case of beacon fire in island areas, there was a tendency to value communication connection within the region rather than connection with the capital. As a case analysis for this, an academic review was conducted with the cases of Ganghwa Island and Jeju Island. As a result, it was confirmed that the role and character of the beacon vary depending on the defense system and the physical distance from the land, even if it has the topographical commonality of the same island.