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The impact of Metaverse’s social presence and NFT product characteristics on consumer satisfaction and continued engagement intention KCI 등재

메타버스의 사회적 실재감과 NFT 상품 특성이 소비자 만족도 및 지속적 참여의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/436606
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,800원
복식문화연구 (The Research Journal of the Costume Culture)
복식문화학회 (The Costume Culture Association)

The Metaverse’s virtual world is used in various industries and is expected to continue to grow in the future. In addition, the Metaverse is a new type of society that integrates various new technologies, and NFT products play an essential role. Therefore, NFT product characteristics and industry trends should be assessed to revitalize the NFT market. To this end, this study confirms the influence relationship between social presence and NFT product characteristics in the Metaverse environment and examines the impact of each characteristic on consumer satisfaction and continued engagement intention to NFT product. Statistical analysis such as exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, and structural equation modeling (SEM) using IBM SPSS Amos was conducted on data collected through a survey targeting male and female Korean consumers in their age group 10 to 50. Study results indicate that social presence significantly impacted all characteristics of NFT products (authenticity, scarcity, rarity, collectability, and interactivity). Scarcity and authenticity significantly impacted consumer satisfaction, and both authenticity and consumer satisfaction significantly impacted continued engagement intention. Thus, effective product development and marketing strategies can be established only by presenting different emphasized characteristics depending on the type of NFT product and the Metaverse’s social presence.

I.􀀃 Introduction
Ⅱ.􀀃 Review􀀃 of􀀃 Literature
    1.􀀎 Metaverse􀀎 and􀀎 social􀀎 presence
    2.􀀎 Definition􀀎 and􀀎 characteristics􀀎 of􀀎 NFT
Ⅲ.􀀃 Research􀀃 Method
    1.􀀎 Data􀀎 collection􀀎 and􀀎 analysis􀀎 method
    3.􀀎 Demographic􀀎 characteristics
Ⅳ.􀀃 Results􀀃 and􀀃 Discussion
    1.􀀎 Measurement􀀎 scale􀀎 of􀀎 social􀀎 presence,􀀎 NFT􀀎characteristics,􀀎satisfaction􀀎and􀀎continued􀀎engagement􀀎 intention
    2.􀀎 Assessment􀀎 of􀀎 the􀀎 suitability􀀎 of􀀎 the􀀎 research􀀎model􀀎 and􀀎 variables
    3.􀀎Hypothesis􀀎verification􀀎to􀀎confirm􀀎the􀀎relationship􀀎between􀀎social􀀎presence,􀀎NFT􀀎product􀀎characteristics,􀀎 consumer􀀎 satisfaction􀀎 and􀀎 continued􀀎 engagement􀀎 intention
Ⅴ.􀀃 Conclusion
  • Dayun Jeong(Lecturer, Dept. of Fashion, Chung-Ang University, Korea) | 정다운 (중앙대학교 패션전공 강사)
  • Youngsam Kim(Professor, Dept. of Fashion, Chung-Ang University, Korea) | 김영삼 (중앙대학교 패션전공 교수) Corresponding author