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국내 노면 결빙사고의 영향인자 분석 KCI 등재

Analysis of Factors Influencing Road Icing Accidents in Korea

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438100
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,200원
한국도로학회논문집 (International journal of highway engineering)
한국도로학회 (Korean Society of Road Engineers)

This study aimed to statistically analyze and understand the factors contributing to road icing accidents on Korean roads, particularly within sections designated as ice-prone. The objective was to assess the adequacy of the existing criteria for designating these sections and to provide insights for improving safety measures on icy roads. Road icing accident data were collected from Korea’s (traffic accident analysis system (TAAS) database, covering incidents from 2018 to 2022 on both expressways and general roads. The data were compiled to create a comprehensive database that incorporated geographic and weather-related factors influencing road icing accidents. Using geographic information systems (GIS), a spatial analysis was performed on the designated ice-prone and non-designated sections. The inverse distance weighting (IDW) method was applied to interpolate the meteorological data, and the temperature lapse rate was used to adjust for altitude-related variations in temperature, providing estimates for conditions such as the average temperature, relative humidity, and precipitation days at each accident location. The analysis revealed that only 2.9% of designated ice-prone sections reported icing-related accidents, whereas 97.6% of icing accidents occurred in non-designated sections. This discrepancy highlights potential gaps in the current criteria for designating ice-prone areas. Additionally, road characteristics such as traffic volume, lane count, speed limit, and curve radius, along with meteorological factors such as humidity, precipitation frequency, and solar radiation exposure, were observed to be significantly correlated with icing accidents. Regions with high relative humidity and low sunlight exposure exhibited a heightened risk of road icing accidents, suggesting the need for these parameters to designate ice-prone sections. This study underscores the need to refine Korea's criteria for designating ice-prone sections by incorporating a wider range of risk factors, including detailed terrain data, shaded areas, and road geometry factors, such as slopes. Integrating these additional elements into the designation process could enhance the precision and effectiveness of preventive measures and ultimately reduce the risk of icing-related accidents in Korea’s road networks. These findings provide a foundation for future policy and management decisions to enhance road safety during the winter.

1. 서론
2. 결빙취약구간 지정 적설성 검토
    2.1. 결빙사고 데이터 수집
    2.2. 결빙 취약구간 내 결빙사고이력 분석
3. 결빙사고 영향인자 데이터 수집
    3.1. 결빙사고 영향인자 후보군 선정
    3.2. 노드·링크(Node·Link) 데이터 수집
    3.3. 도로특성 데이터 수집
    3.4. 기상데이터 수집
    3.5. 데이터베이스 구축 결과
4. 결빙사고 영향인자 분석
    4.1. 도로특성 분석
    4.2. 기상인자 분석
    4.3. 분석결과
5. 결론
  • 김세호(인하대학교 스마트시티공학전공 석사과정) | Kim Se Ho
  • 진현호(인하대학교 스마트시티공학전공 석사과정) | Jin Hyun Ho
  • 김효원(인하대학교 스마트시티공학전공 석사과정) | Kim Hyo Won
  • 최문규(인하대학교 스마트시티공학전공 박사과정) | Choi Moon Gyu
  • 송기영(인하대학교 토목공학과 박사과정) | Song Ki Yung
  • 정진훈(인하대학교 사회인프라공학과 교수, 공학박사) | Jeong Jin Hoon (Professor Department of Civil Engineering, Inha University, 100 Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon 22212, Korea) Corresponding author