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唐代墓志雙音典故詞釋義三例 KCI 등재

Three Words of Bisyllable Allsion in the Epitaph in Tang Dynasty

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438309
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,800원
漢字硏究 (한자연구)
경성대학교 한국한자연구소 (Center For The Study of Chinese Charaters in Korea, Kyungsung University)

There are differences in allusion word type between handed down documents and unearthed documents which always go through the process of morphological diversification. Then take 3 allusion words in the epitaph as examples to introduce. First, the common allusion Longquan (龍泉) in the epitaph in Tang dynasty use the factual allusion pointing to the death meaning words by figurative rhetoric. Second, the idiom Zhang Shang Ming Zhu (掌上明珠) use up to now Which exist two typys Weizhu (韋珠) and Zhang Zhong Zhu(掌中珠), however Weizhu (韋珠) is the illusion origion. Third, word example in poems Hanshu (寒樹) pointed to trees in autumn derive the sad meaning in the past dynasties, which influences the comtemporary understanding including annotation in Chinese textbooks nowadays.

1. 龍泉       
    1.1 唐代墓誌中“龍泉”用典形式
    1.2 傳世文獻 與“龍泉”典源
2. 韋珠
    2.1 古詩文中“掌上明珠”詞形 
    2.2 唐代墓誌中“掌上明珠”典源
3. 寒樹
    3.1 唐代墓誌文中“寒樹”的常用義
    3.2 古詩中的“寒樹”緣起
4. 典故溯源對語文教學的啟發應用 

  • 安靜(河北科技師範學院) | Jing AN
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