윤리의 상실은 사회 및 구성원의 혼란으로 이어진다. 이를 극복하기 위한 방안으로 기존의 자산을 발굴하여 활용하는 것이 오류를 예방하고 문화적 친숙함 측면에서 유리할 것이다. 오랜 전통 속에서 전해 내려온 불교 윤리는 이런 점에 부합하지만, 그 특성을 제대로 활용하지 못하는 현실이다. 이를 극복하는 노력의 일환으로, 불교 계율에서 윤리적으로 타 당하며, 실천 가능한 항목들을 탐색할 필요가 있다. 본 연구는 문헌 중심으로 초기불교 팔리어 계본을 중심으로, 초기경전, 학술지 및 태국 숲속의 전통의 사례를 결합하여 진행하였다. 팔리어(pāli) 계본을 선택한 이유는 동남아 승가에서 유지, 실천되며, 붓다의 가르침에 제일 근접한 문헌이라고 판단하였기 때문이다. 논의 범위는 팔리어 계목 중에서 종교적인 색채가 드러나지 않으며, 윤리적 보편적 타당성을 지닌 실천 가능한 항목들이다. 일차적으로 불자 및 일반인들도 무리 없이 수용, 실천할 수 있어야 하는 항목들을 추출하 고, 초기불교의 윤리적 항목 중에서 현대인이 전반적으로 실천할 수 있는 것을 추출 제시하였다. 본 연구의 목적은 계(戒)가 아닌 율(vinaya)의 실천 가능한 항목을 추 출하여 ‘행위 매뉴얼’ 구성하자는 제언이다. ‘행위 매뉴얼’을 통해 불교계 의 발전 및 실천윤리를 정립하는 계기가 될 것이다.
The objective of this study was to compare the feeding effects of imported timothy hay, domestic Italian ryegrass silage (IRGS) and IRG dried by hot-air dry system (IRGHDS) under basic total mixed ration (bTMR) on rumination activity, milk production, and milk composition in lactating dairy cows. Eighteen Holstein dairy cows were divided into three groups: control (bTMR + imported timothy hay), treatment 1 (bTMR + IRGS) and treatment 2 (TMR + IRGHDS) groups. The study was conducted over a total period of 24 days, including a 10 days adaptation period and a 14 days main experimental period. The results indicate body weight was not significantly different between the three groups (p>0.05), and rumination time was significantly higher in the treatment 1 group compared with the control group (p<0.001). Milk fat, protein, and lactose were not significantly different between the three groups (p>0.05), however, somatic cell counts were significantly lower in the treatment 1 group compared with the control group (p<0.001). As a result of the economic feasibility analysis, it is expected that feeding TMR using IRGS and IRGHDS will increase profit by 402.8 won/day and 331.4 won/day per cow compared to imported timothy hay. Therefore, IRGS and IRGHDS can be used as substitutes for imported timothy hay in feeding lactating dairy cows.
This study aims to present a performance based design for apartments through evacuation safety assessment and damage impact assessment due to acrylonitrile leakage. In the evacuation safety evaluation, ASET was analyzed as 25 min or more and 60 min or less when the ventilation rate was once per hour, and RSET was 22.6 min. Evacuation safety is satisfied when the number of ventilation per hour is less than 1, so it is necessary to design the number of ventilation to be 1 or less. In the damage impact assessment, the 0% structural collapse rate due to overpressure was measured to be between 71m and 90m, and the 0% fatality rate due to radiant heat was measured to be between 136m and 353m. Therefore, maintain a safe distance of 353m or more.
The purpose of this study is to propose measures to increase evacuation safety by calculating the habitable time using a fire and evacuation simulation program for the Room-escape cafe currently in operation, and comparing and analyzing it with the evacuation required time. Assuming a fire due to overheating of electric heaters in use in front of the warehouse, the habitable time was calculated through fire simulation, and the occupant's evacuation time calculated through evacuation simulation according installation of safety facilities, etc. was compared and analyzed with the habitable time. In the case of escape room cafes with safety facilities installed, evacuation safety was satisfied, but in escape room cafes without safety facilities, the evacuation safety was not secure. As a result of analyzing evacuation safety for each scenario based on the ASET analyzed in the fire simulation, it was found that in scenario 1, evacuation safety was secured and everyone successfully evacuated, while in scenario 2, no one succeeded in evacuation. These results can be said to confirm that the installation of safety facilities is very important in business establishments such as escape room cafes, which become enclosed structures when games are started.
본 연구는 연해자평에서 주장하는 육친 가운데 이견이 존재하는 財星과 官星의 문제점과 타당성을 밝히는 것을 목적으로 한다. 유학자인 진소암은 보 수적인 유교사회에서 자식이 부친을 극하는 財와 官의 배치는 효 윤리를 위 배하는 문제가 있다고 판단하고, 부모는 모두 인성으로, 자식은 남녀 모두 식 상에 배치해야 한다고 주장하여 재관의 배치에 혼란을 초래하였다. 이와 같이 중요한 財官이 혼동되면 운명을 판단하는데 오류가 발생하고, 명리의 신뢰가 손상될 수 있다. 이에 따라 재관의 배치에 대한 혼란을 막고, 하극상의 효 윤리적 문제를 해소하기 위해서는 합리적인 연구가 필요하나 아 직까지 부족하여 여전히 논란의 여지가 남아있다. 이를 위해, 본 논문은 성역할 관점에서 부친(재성)과 모친(인성)의 역할을 조명하고, 유전자 관점에서 자식(관)을 연구하였다. 이 과정에서 진소암의 육 친론에는 오류가 존재한다는 사실을 발견하였다. 그리고 그의 오류를 바로잡 고 논란이 되는 재관의 배치를 자연스럽게 수용하기 위해서는 육친은 위계적 인 관계가 아닌 서로 유기적인 관계를 맺으며 공존하는 관점이 필요함을 밝 혀냈다. 또한 자식으로서 관의 배치는 유전자가 전달되는 생물학적인 관점을 고려해야 한다는 결론을 얻었다. 주제어: 육친론, 성역할, 공존화, 진소암, 재관의 배치, 오행의 위계.
홍삼의 일반적인 가공법인 물과 주정 혼합용매로 추출여과하여 농축액으로 제조 시 증숙 등의 가열처리에 의해 가수분해되거나 중합반응이 일어나게 되어 현재 기능성이 밝혀진 30여 가지 주요 진세노사이드 외 극미량인 200여 종의 진세노사이드가 검출되고 있어서, 오히려 홍삼 본래 의 기능성 규명과 효능 구현을 복잡하게 만들고, 추출 횟 수를 거듭할수록 떫은맛이 강해지는 등 건강기능식품으로 서 부정적인 영향을 배제하기 위하여 저온(40oC 미만)에 서 1차만 추출한 홍삼농축액을 제조한 결과 수율은 고형 분 66-77% 정도에서 26-30%를 나타내어 기존의 연구 결 과인 40.47±0.47% 보다 현저히 적은 수율을 나타내었고, 동결건조 분말의 진세노사이드 함량분석시험을 진행한 결 과 시료 18종 전체에서 진세노사이드 34종이 검출되었고, 특히 홍삼 지표성분 3종인 Rb1, Rg1, Rg3 합계는 42.48 mg/ g으로 시판 홍삼제품의 환산량 9.0 mg/g과 8.7 mg/g 보다 4-5배 많았다. 본 시료는 진한 홍삼의 향취와 함께 면역력 증진 등 6가지 기능발현에 9-25%의 소량 복용으로 1일 복 용량이 유의성 있게 작아서 복용의 편의성과 함께 제품의 보관, 유통에 장점이 있는 것으로 판단된다.
본 연구는 소맥 위주 사료에 xylanase 효소제의 첨가가 육성돈의 사양성적, 영양소 소화율, 혈액성상, 분 중 휘발 성 지방산 및 암모니아성 질소 농도에 미치는 영향을 알 아보기 위하여 실시하였다. 총 192두(4처리, 8반복, 반복당 6두)의 육성돈(25.14±0.11 kg)을 공시하여 xylanase 첨가수 준(0, 0.0125, 0.025, 0.0375%)으로 6주간 사양시험을 실시 하였다. xylanase의 첨가수준이 증가함에 따라 전체 사양 구간에서의 일당증체량(ADG), 일일사료섭취량(ADFI) 및 사료요구율(FCR)이 유의적으로 개선되는 효과를 나타냈 다(p<005). 영양소 소화율에 있어서, xylanase 첨가수준이 증가함에 따라 phase Ⅰ에서는 건물 및 에너지, phase Ⅱ 에서는 조단백질 소화율이 유의적으로 개선되었으며, 또 한 육성돈의 혈중 GLU 농도는 사료 내 xylanase의 첨가 수준이 증가함에 따라 유의적으로 증가하는 효과를 보였 다(p<0.05). 반면에, 휘발성 지방산 및 암모니아성 질소 농 도에서 xylanase의 유의적인 첨가효과는 나타나지 않았다 (p>0.05). 결론적으로, 소맥 위주의 사료 내 xylanase의 첨 가는 육성돈의 사양성적, 영양소 소화율 및 혈중 GLU 농 도를 증가시키는데 긍정적인 효과를 보였으며, 육성돈 사 료내 소맥을 주원료로 사용할 경우 xylanse의 적정 첨가 수준은 0.0375%으로 사료된다.
PURPOSES : A North Korean private-financed highway is constructed in this study using an appropriate financing introduction method.
METHODS : Based on the North Korea traffic demand prediction model, we assume that private finance investors construct three lines in North Korea. In addition, private finance can recover invested money with real toll income via the South Korean toll system in 30 years.
RESULTS : The results indicate that private finance parties can recover invested money in two lines in North Korea within 30 years, whereas the remaining line cannot. A collection period is 30 years, the future traffic volume, utilization rate by vehicle type, and toll rate based on the Korea Highway Corporation system are assumed.
CONCLUSIONS : The public private partnership market undergoes many types of changes. In the early stages of private investment projects in England, the toll model is implemented, followed by the shadow toll model. Subsequently, the availability payment model is implemented. To promote private finance funding for the North Korean expressway, the South Korea government should subsidize money for uncollectable lines. Using these models, the availability payment and hybrid annuity model will reduce the risks of private parties in North Korea private financed highways.
The Chinese and English Instructor, compiled by T‘ong Ting-kü and published in Canton in 1862, is an English teaching material that utilized many newly-created Chinese characters to phonetically express the pronunciations of English words which were difficult to express with pre-existing Cantonese sounds. These characters featured an existing glyph and a pseudo radical ‘mouth’ 口, such as, 呷, composed of 甲 and 口. The explanatory notes at the beginning of this book listed many such characters. This study investigates the phonological effects of the addition of this component, focusing on the newly-created characters with the mid front unrounded vowel /e/ as their main vowel. The results showed that the values of certain parts of the syllable changed by regularly adding the pseudo radical ‘mouth’ to the existing glyph. It was observed that besides the vowel shift occurring in the main vowel in almost all groups, tone alternation occurred in most groups as well.
The original intention and achievement of Chinese character culture industry research and practice is “Chinese character culture + X”, and “Chinese character culture + City (Region)” is the most comprehensive practice. Because of its rich cultural carrying capacity, unique pictographic features, and many related physical carriers, Chinese character culture can become the core and leading cultural strategy of cities, regions, and communities. In China, the two practical cases that combine Chinese character culture and city cultural strategy most closely are “Xu Shen’s Hometown – Luohe” and “Yin Ruins – Anyang.” This paper focuses on the cross fields of Chinese character culture, cultural industry, and public management, takes Luohe and Anyang as samples, introduces the cultural strategy modes and main contents of the two cities on the theme of Chinese character culture. By researching and comparing the implementation of the two strategies and the construction ideas behind them, this paper sums up the planning framework of the two cities’ cultural strategies. It matches the corresponding practice path of Chinese character culture to provide references. It helps scholars of Chinese character culture practice cultural strategic prediction, decision-making, and consulting projects of different cities.
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of whole crop rice based TMR on the meat quality of Korean Native Cattle (Hanwoo). Sixteen Hanwoo steers (average 8 months old) were divided into the control group (commercially marketed TMR) and the WCR-TMR group (whole crop rice based TMR). Feeding trials were carried out up to 30 months of age, and after slaughter, the strip loin were collected and analyzed for meat quality. There were no significant differences in proximate compositions of Hanwoo (P>0.05), and crude protein, crude fat and crude ash were 19.51∼20.23 %, 11.53∼11.35 % and 1.10∼1.12 %, respectively. There was no significant difference in water holding capacity and cooking loss between treatments (P>0.05), but it was slightly lower in the control group. Among the various functional components in meat, β-carotene was not detected, but α-tocopherol was significantly higher in WCR-TMR group and vitamin A content in control (P<0.05). The a*-value in the meat color index decreased significantly with longer storage period in the control group, whereas the WCR-TMR fed group showed no significant difference (P>0.05) according to the storage period. There were no difference between the treatments in the TBARS (2-Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) value used as an indicator of lipid oxidation and in fatty acid content. But the control group had high myristic acid content, whereas the WCR-TMR supplemented group showed higher oleic acid and linoleic acid content. In conclusion, feeding of WCR based-TMR increased the α-tocopherol content, which is a functional ingredient in meat, and the other components were not significantly different from the control. Therefore, it was judged that there was no significant difference between WCR based and conventional TMR in meat quality characteristics.
This experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of whole crop rice (WCR) based TMR on growth performance and carcass characteristics of Hanwoo steers. WCR “Yeongwoo”was harvested at yellow ripen stage and ensiled for 60 days. The crude protein (CP), acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) and total digestible nutrient (TDN) content was 8.4 %, 28.0 %, 53.8 %, 72.4 % and 66.8 %, respectively. For silage quality, pH was 4.37 and lactic and butyric acid content were 2.84 and 0.04 % in DM. Sixteen Hanwoo steers (8-mon-old) were allocated into either a control (commercial TMR) and WCR-TMR (WCR-based TMR) group. The TMR were fed according to the feeding stage phase: growing (Initiate∼14 month), early fattening (15 month∼21 month) and late fattening (22 month∼30 month). The body weight of control group increased (P<0.05) until early fattening stage, but late growing stage of WCR-TMR group was higher than that of control (P<0.05). Average daily gain (ADG) was significantly greater (P<0.05) in WCR-TMR group (total 0.78 kg/head) compared to control (total 0.66 kg/head) except for late fattening stage. The marketing weight and carcass weight were higher in WCR-TMR group (726 vs 765 kg; 417.8 vs 450.4 kg). The back fat thickness (11.75 vs 13.00 mm), Longissimus dorsi area (88.00 vs 89.88 ㎠) and yield index (65.87 vs 64.30) were not different between the two groups (P>0.05) and also no difference in meat yield grade (A : B : C = 2 : 4 : 2). Marbling score (4.00 vs 4.13), meat color (4.75 vs 4.75), fat color (3.13 vs 2.88), texture (1.25 vs 1.50) and maturity (2.00 vs 2.00) were not significant difference between the two groups and meat quality grade (1++:1+:1:2:3=0:2:4:2:0) was also not different. In conclusion, TMR feeding based on WCR silage showed superiority in carcass yield and ADG compared to control TMR. It is considered that the use of WCR for feed is a necessary option for the substitution of the imported forages and the government's policy for rice production adjustment.
기본적으로 형 음 의 삼요소를 갖추고 있는 것을 문자라 칭한다. 이러한 문자는 보통 독립 성을 갖고 단독으로 사용된다. 하지만 모든 문자가 다 독립적으로 사용되고 있는 것은 아니 다. 어떤 문자는 독립적으로는 사용되지 못하고 다른 문자와 결합하여 字素를 이루어야만 사 용될 수가 있는데, 이를 ‘비독립 자소’라 부른다. 본 논문은 不成文 字素를 포함해說文解字 540개 부수를 대상으로 문자의 단독 사용 여부에 따라 비독립 자소를 구별해 내었고, 이를 다시 字形에 따라 독체자소, 합체자소, 그리고 변이자소로 분류하였다. 그리고 이들이 어떠한 과정을 거쳐 독립 자소에서 비독립 자소로 변하게 되었는지에 대해 심층적 분석을 진행하였 다. 그래서 비독립 자소가 어떠한 형태와 유형으로 대체되었는지, 왜 그러한 현상이 생기게 되었는지 등에 대해 분석하여 ‘不成文’, ‘通假’, ‘同義 문자’, ‘後起字’, ‘字形의 변형’, ‘釋形之誤’, ‘기타’의 7가지 유형으로 분류해 내었다. 아울러 이들의 문자로서의 가치와 위상에 대해서도 논하였다.