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《説文》象形字認知視點硏究 KCI 등재

A Study on the Cognitive Perspective of Pictographs in Shuowen (説文)

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438313
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 6,900원
漢字硏究 (한자연구)
경성대학교 한국한자연구소 (Center For The Study of Chinese Charaters in Korea, Kyungsung University)

Cognitive point of view is the focus of attention that people observe objects based on their life experiences, customs and habits, including front view, side view, perspective view, etc. Chinese characters originated from pictures and symbols. Han characters originated from pictures and marks, among which, hieroglyphic characters are created by the method of “painting the object and interrogating it according to the body”, inheriting and preserving most of the characteristics of primitive pictures, which are the most powerful and preserving the cognitive focus of the forefathers at that time. This paper starts from the hieroglyphic system of Shuowen (説文), combines the theories of experiential philosophy of cognitive linguistics and visual perception in art to explore the cognitive viewpoints of the forefathers when they made the hieroglyphic characters and the reasons for it, and categorizes the cognitive viewpoints of hieroglyphic characters of Shuowen (説文) to further deepen the understanding of hieroglyphic characters.

1. 引言
2. 正視認知視點
    2.1 一般的正視 
    2.2 以局部見整體 
    2.3 遠視取象
3. 側視認知視點  
    3.1 動物類
    3.2 建築類
    3.3 人自身類
    3.4 以局部見整體
4. 仰視認知視點 
5. 俯視認知視點 
    5.1 水陸類
    5.2 人自身類
    5.3 其他類
6. 透視認知視點
    6.1 人自身類
    6.2 草木 類
7. 綜合認知,復合取象
8. 結語

  • 田楠楠(南京師範大學) | Nannan TIAN
  • 趙家棟(南京師範大學文學院) | Jiadong ZHAO Corresponding author
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