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인공합성 지반 운동을 활용한 낙동강 삼각주 지역의 지진 시나리오 기반 액상화 평가 KCI 등재

Scenario-Based Liquefaction Assessment of the Nakdonggang Delta Area Using Synthetic Ground Motions

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438364
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,300원
한국지진공학회 (Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea)

In stable continental regions, selecting appropriate ground motions for seismic design and dynamic response analysis presents significant challenges. This study evaluates the liquefaction potential of the Nakdonggang delta region, South Korea, by generating synthetic ground motion scenarios and applying a scenario-based liquefaction assessment approach. We utilized a hybrid broadband ground motion simulation method proposed by Graves and Pitarka (2010, 2015) to create bedrock ground motions for three hypothetical earthquakes (Mw 6.2 and 6.0) occurring along the Dongrae and Miryang faults. The generated synthetic ground motions were used as input for onedimensional nonlinear site response analyses, incorporating shear wave velocity profiles derived from surface wave inversion. The simulated ground motions demonstrated higher responses at short periods and relatively weaker responses at long periods compared to the Korean design spectra. This amplification of long-period components was attributed to the dynamic response of deep sedimentary layers, while high-frequency components were generally deamplified due to damping effects in shallow silty layers. Liquefaction susceptibility was assessed using surface ground motions derived from the site response analyses, following the SPT-based simplified method proposed by Idriss and Boulanger (2008). Results indicated high liquefaction potential across most sites for the Dongrae earthquake scenario, while liquefaction was unlikely for all sites under the Miryang-1 scenario. For the Miryang-2 scenario, liquefaction was predicted at some sites. Overall, liquefaction is expected at PGA values of approximately 0.13 g or higher, with sites exhibiting lower shear wave velocities being more vulnerable to liquefaction

1. 서 론
2. 연구 방법
    2.1 액상화 평가 방법
    2.2 연구 대상 지역 및 지반 특성 분석
    2.3 광대역 하이브리드 지반 운동 시뮬레이션
3. 연구 결과
    3.1 암반 지진파 시간 이력 생성
    3.2 지반 응답 해석
    3.3 CSR 및 CRR 계산
    3.4 액상화 안전율 평가 결과
4. 토 의
5. 결 론
감사의 글
  • 오준수(창원대학교 토목공학과 석사과정) | Oh Jun Su (Graduate Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Changwon National University)
  • 김재휘(University of Canterbury 토목공학과 박사과정) | Kim Jaehwi (Graduate Student, Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering, University of Canterbury)
  • 정석호(창원대학교 토목공학과 조교수) | Jeong Seokho (Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Changwon National University) Corresponding author