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日本注釋書《令集解》引《尚書》考 KCI 등재

A Study of the Japanese Annotated Book Ryō-no-shūge (令集解) Citing the Shangshu (尚書)

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438543
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 9,000원
漢字硏究 (한자연구)
경성대학교 한국한자연구소 (Center For The Study of Chinese Charaters in Korea, Kyungsung University)

The Ryō-no-shūge (令集解) is a collection of commentaries by many Enlightened legalists from the Nara period to the early Heian period, which is of a comprehensive nature, and thus preserves many precious documents, including the Shangshu (尚書). This paper will mainly focus on two aspects: firstly, on the basis of previous studies, reveal in detail the specific sources of the quotations from the Shangshu in the Ryō-no-shūge, and then try to explain the main reason for its quotation from Yupian (玉篇), and why it does not omit the name of the book; secondly, through a comparative reading of the present edition of the Shangshu, the seven quotations in the Ryō-no-shūge are analyzed by way of example to further explain their value and to explore the uniqueness of the quotations from the Shangshu in the Ryō-no-shūge in comparison with those in the Original Edition of Yupian (原本《玉篇》) and the ancient written version of the Shangshu. In all fairness, the Ryō-no-shūge’ s quotations from the Shangshu also contain many errors, which we need to identify carefully. In addition, from the Sino-Japanese book road, the Shangshu as a representative of the exchange of civilizations is mutually beneficial.

1. 引言
2. 《尚書》引文的來源
    2.1 符合引自《玉篇》的特徵
    2.2 與原本《玉篇》較爲一致 
    2.3 與《名義》、宋本《玉篇》存在對應關係 
    2.4 與《玉篇》佚文較爲一致
    2.5 或來自《玉篇》
    2.6 或引自他書 
3. 《令集解》引《尚書》異文例舉 
4. 餘論

  • 孟楠(中山大學中國語言文學系) | Nan MENG
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