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현장에서 반추동물의 장내 유래 메탄 발생량 측정 방법: 스니퍼 방법의 소개 및 활용성을 중심으로(총설) KCI 등재

The Methods for Measuring Enteric Methane Emissions from Ruminants in On-farm Condition: Focusing on the Introduction and Applicability of the Sniffer Method (Review)

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438620
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 5,700원
동물자원연구 (Annals of Animal Resources Sciences)
강원대학교 동물자원공동연구소 (Institute of Animal Resources Kangwon National University)

This review examines the importance of measuring practical enteric methane emissions from ruminants, considering their significant impact on global warming. Global warming is significantly driven by an increase in greenhouse gases, with rising methane (CH4) emissions from ruminants accelerating global warming recently. To successfully mitigate CH4 emissions and establish effective strategies, it is essential to apply reliable measurement techniques. This will allow for an accurate assessment of on-farm CH4 emissions. The priority should be to gather CH4 emission data that reflects the actual state of CH4 emissions from ruminants. The review provides an overview of the methods used to measure CH4 emissions from ruminants by compiling existing researches. It introduces the concepts, principles, and limitations of these methods to facilitate comparisons between existing approaches. This review discusses methods for measuring enteric CH4 emissions from ruminants at the farm level, including the tracer technique, laser methane detector, GreenFeed, and sniffer system. These methods are highlighted as potential tools to accumulate substantial data on on-farm CH4 emission from domestic animals with provides examples of international cases. Among these, this review introduces the Sniffer method, a CH4 emission measurement techniques that are suitable for on-farm use under domestic conditions, and emphasizes the necessity of its application. In addition, by presenting international cases where predictive models were developed based on on-farm CH4 measurement techniques, it is projected that if predictive models for CH4 emissions are developed by accumulating data at the farm level, it can contribute to sustainable livestock industry in various promising ways.

Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 반추동물에 있어서 반추위 메탄 발생량측정
    1. 반추동물에 있어서 반추위 메탄 발생량 측정의 중요성
    2. 반추동물에 있어서 반추위 메탄 발생량 측정의 어려움
    3. 농가 단위 반추동물 유래 메탄 배출량 측정의 중요성
Ⅲ. 현재 사용되는 반추동물 대상 메탄 측정방법
    1. Indirect method - In vitro 방식
    2. 직접 측정법(Direct method)
    3. Spot-sampling method
    4. In situ method
Ⅳ. 현장용 스니퍼 메탄 측정 방법의 소개와활용성
    1. 스니퍼 방식(Sniffer method)
    2. 국외 활용 사례
    3. 한국 적용의 필요성 및 전략 소개
Ⅴ. 실제 농가 현장에서의 다두수 반추위 유래 메탄 배출량 측정방식
Ⅵ. On farm 측정 데이터를 활용한 메탄 배출량 추정 모델 개발
    1. 필요성
    2. 국가별 추정 모델 개발 및 이용 현황
    3. 활용방안 및 기대효과
Ⅶ. 고찰
Ⅷ. 요약
Ⅸ. 참고문헌
  • 오경환(건국대학교 상허생명과학대학 동물자원과학과 대학원생) | Kyung Hwan Oh (Graduate Student, Department of Animal Science, Sanghuh College of Life Science, Konkuk University, Seoul 05029, Korea)
  • 주문수(건국대학교 상허생명과학대학 동물자원과학과 대학원생) | Mun Su Ju (Graduate Student, Department of Animal Science, Sanghuh College of Life Science, Konkuk University, Seoul 05029, Korea)
  • 조용호(이안스 주식회사 연구원) | Yong Ho Jo (Researcher, IANS Co.Ltd., Cheonan 31090, Korea)
  • 조장훈(건국대학교 상허생명과학대학 동물자원과학과 연구교수) | Jang Hoon Jo (Research professor, Department of Animal Science, Sanghuh College of Life Science, Konkuk University, Seoul 05029, Korea)
  • 김원섭(건국대학교 상허생명과학대학 동물자원과학과 교수) | Won Seob Kim (Professor, Department of Animal Science, Sanghuh College of Life Science, Konkuk University, Seoul 05029, Korea)
  • 이성대(국립축산과학원 연구원) | Sung Dae Lee (Researcher, Animal Nutrition & Physiology Team, National Institute of Animal Science, R.D.A., Wanju 55365, Korea)
  • 이윤석(한경국립대학교 교수) | Yoon Seok Lee (Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Hankyong National University, Anseong 17579, Korea)
  • 김은중(경북대학교 교수) | Eun Joong Kim (Professor, Department of Animal Science and Biotechnology, Kyungpook National University, Sangju 41566, Korea)
  • 노상건(동북대학교 교수) | Sang Gun Roh (Professor, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8572, Japan)
  • 이홍구(건국대학교 상허생명과학대학 동물자원과학과 교수) | Hong Gu Lee (Professor, Department of Animal Science, Sanghuh College of Life Science, Konkuk University, Seoul 05029, Korea) Corresponding author