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說文解字翼徵引詛楚文字形探析及釋字註評 KCI 등재

An Analysis of Character Forms in Shuowen Jiezi Yizheng (說文解字翼徵) which Quoted from Zuchu Wen (詛楚文), also Making Annotation and Commentary on the Interpretation of the Characters

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438866
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 6,600원
中國學 (중국학)
대한중국학회 (Korean Association For Chinese Studies)

The book Shuowen Jiezi Yizheng (说文解字翼徵) written by Piao Xuan-Shou, which is a book specializing in the study of Shuowen Jiezi (說文解字) in the late Joseon Dynasty, is the first one to utilize materials of bronze inscriptions objects and stone inscriptions to make supplements and textual criticism of Shuowen Jiezi (說文解字). The article organizes the stone-carved material of Zuchu Wen (詛楚文), which is quoted in the book, and analyzes it from the aspects of the meaning of the quotation, the source of the quotation, the quotation and the copying. After that, this paper revises and supplies the situation of Shuowen Jiezi (說文解字) by quoting Zuchu wen (詛楚文) in the book,and combines with specific examples of characters to annotate and comment. According to whether there is any interpretation, whether there is any new content in the interpretation, etc., it is divided into three categories. And under each word, the original content of Shuowen Jiezi (說文解字) quoted in the book, the supplementary ancient characters as well as the main content of the interpretation are cited firstly, and then explains Piao’s analysis of the words’ form and meaning appropriately, and Piao’s viewpoints are evaluated by making full use of ancient character materials and the results of the existing studies and interpretations. The purpose of this article is to clarify the factual situation of Piao’s quotation of the Zuchu Wen (詛楚文) , evaluate the gains and losses of Piao’s textual criticism of the Shuowen Jiezi (說文解字) objectively, and supply the shortages of current research on Piao’s quotation of materials other than the bronze inscriptions.

朴瑄壽所著說文解字翼徵一書,是朝鮮時代後期專門研究說文解字的著作,該書 率先利用金石材料補充考證說文解字。文章對書中所引的詛楚文這一石刻材料的文字進 行整理,從引用意義、版本來源、引用和摹寫情況幾個方面進行探析。之後,對書中引用 詛楚文字形訂補說文解字的情況,結合具體例字進行註評。根據有無解說、解說中有無 新釋內容等分三類進行,每字下先舉書中所引的說文解字原文內容,以及補充的古文字 形、解說的主要內容等,然後適當解釋朴氏對該字的形、義分析,充分利用古文字資料, 藉助現有研究考釋成果,對朴氏的觀點進行評價。以期釐清其征引詛楚文字形的事實情 況,客觀評價其考證說文解字的得失,補充目前有關朴氏征引金文之外的資料研究的不 足。

1. 緒論
2. 說文解字翼徵引詛楚文字形分析
    1) 引詛楚文字形的合理意義
    2) 引詛楚文字形所據版本探究
    3) 引詛楚文字形情況梳理和摹寫分析
3. 說文解字翼徵引詛楚文訂補說文解字的例字註評
    1) 解說有新釋內容的例字分析
    2) 解說無新釋內容的例字分析
    3) 無解說的例字分析
4. 結論
  • 周素煥(嶺南大學中國語言文化係博士研究生) | 쩌우쑤환
  • 李春永(嶺南大学中国語言文化係教授) | 이춘영 Corresponding author
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