Purpose: This study aimed to identify the need for simulation education to strengthen patient safety competencies in nursing practice field experience and explore and analyze improvements in simulation education. Methods: Data were collected through focus group interviews with 31 participants from four groups of fourth-year nursing students and one group of new nurses from August 7, 2023 to February 11, 2024. Interview data were systematically reviewed by qualitative content analysis. Results: Five major themes were identified; (1) awareness of patient safety competencies among nursing students and new nurses, (2) awareness of patient safety education among nursing students and new nurses, (3) simulation education topics for strengthening patient safety competencies, (4) interfering factors of simulation education for strengthening patient safety competencies, and (5) facilitating factors of simulation education to strengthen patient safety competencies. Accordingly, 15 categories were derived, and the current status of simulation education for patient safety, educational needs, and improvements were reported. Conclusion: This study attempted to reflect on the needs of learners before developing a simulation education program and derive educational content to strengthen patient safety competencies.