본 연구는 2001년 5월과 7월에 순천지역의 한 농장을 대상으로 종모돈 64두와 미국의 SGI회사로부터 직수입된 동결정액을 가지고 인공수정시 정액의 형태와 방법이 종모돈의 번식성적에 미치는 영향을 구명하고자 실시한 바, 그 얻어진 결과는 다음과 같았다. 1. 일반적인 액상정액을 이용한 인공수정과 자궁내 이식기구를 이용한 동결정액의 이용이 번식성적에 미치는 영향을 조사한 결과는, 분만율에서는 액상정액을 이용한 처리구 (86.4%)가 동결정액을 이용한 처
This study was carried out to investigate the possibility of porcine artificial insemination (A·I) on fertilizing capacity using intrauterine inseminator (IUI) method and conventional A·I (CAI) method. Number of sows used in this study was 15 far IUI and 59 fur (CAI), respectively. The results obtained are as fellows: 1 . The frozen and liquid semen used for A·I showed the higher farrowing rate in liquid semen (86.4%) than frozen semen (67%). Number of pigs born per semen type showed the higher values of number of piglets with no statistical significance using frozen semen (9.7) than liquid semen (9.3). 2. The farrowing rate per parity was highest in the 3∼5th parities (100%), f311owe4 by 0∼ 2th parities (60%), and was the smallest in 6 ∼ 10th parities (25%). Number of pigs born per litter was highest in 0∼2th parities (11.3), followed by 3 ∼ 5th parities (9.2) and lowest in 6∼ 10th parities. In the number of pigs bort per litter, the sow s in the high parities delivered lower number of piglets than those in low parities with no significant difference. These results indicated that fertilizing capacity could be improved by using IUI method.