가축에서 생산성을 높이기 위해 사용되는 수정란이식술의 실용성을 알아보기 위하여 한우 및 젖소 36두로부터 과배란 처리를 하여 신선수정란은 25두에, 동결수정란은 17두에, 쌍태 생산을 위한 수정란 두 개 이식은 13두 수란우에 이식되어 그 생산 결과를 조사하였다. 1 과배란을 위한 호르몬 처리후 반응을 나타낸 공란우는 75.0%이었다. 2. 황체수와 비교하여 채란된 수정란 율은 91.8% 이었다. 3. 비외과적으로 채란된 전체 난자 중 생존성이 있는 배
To investigate the feasibility of embryo transfer technology to promote productivity of cattle, 36 cows(18 Holstein, 18 Hanwoo) were superovulated. Fresh embryos were transferred to 25 recipients(14 Holstein, 11 Hanwoo), whereas frozen embryos were transferred to 17 recipients(10 Holstein, 7 Hanwoo). Two embryos were transferred at a time to 13 recipients(9 Holstein, 4 Hanwoo) to produce twin calves. 1. 75.0% of donor cattle were reacted to hormonal treatment far superovulation. 2. The rate of embryo recovery by non-surgical method for Holstein and Hanwoo was 90.4 and 95.8% in comparison with numbers of corpus luteum. 3. Of all the ova collected non-surgically, the rate of viable blastocyst was 66.4% and the rate of transferrable blastocysts was 48.6%. 4. The rate of embryo collection by one-catheter method was 75.0%. 5. The rate of pregnancy/delivery following embryo transfer with fresh embryos was 60.0%. 6. The rate of pregnancy/delivery following embryo transfer with frozen embryos was 35.3%. 7. In embryo transfer to produce twin calves, the rate of pregnancy/delivery was 28.6% with fresh embryos and 16.7% with frozen embryos.