정상적으로 자연 분만한 Cocker spaniel 개 8두를 대상으로 분만 후 자궁의 수복상태를 관찰하기 위하여 육안적 질 분비물의 배출 및 초음파 진단장치를 이용하여 자궁의 형태, 에코 정도 및 크기의 변화상 등을 검사한 바 8두 모두 자궁의 수복이 정상이었다. 분만 후 자궁의 형태는 초음파 종단면에서 착상부가 비착상부에 비해 종대되어 나타나는 염주상을 보였으나 분만 후 25.602.51일 이후에는 착상부와 비착상부가 유사한 크기인 관상으로 관찰되었다
This study was undertaken to determine the normal appearance of the postpartum uterine involution. Postpartum changes in uterine shape, architecture, echogenicity and diameter were monitored with ultrasonography in 8 Cocker spaniel bitches. The excretory period of vaginal discharges in 8 normal bitches of uterine involution was finished completely at 23.202.77 days (MeanSD) postpartum. The short axis shape of the uterus was varied from polygonal to circular. This lasted until 16002.12 days Postpartum, during which time the short axis uterine shape gradually changed to circular. Also, the long axis shape of the uterus was created a beaded appearance of the horns until 25.602.51 days postpartum. The uterine diameter was decreased not only in the placental sites from 24.202.06mm at 1 day to 13.180.84mm at 7 days postpartum, but also in the interplacental sites 14.262.22mm at 1 day, 9.810.7mm at 7 days postpartum. There was a general trend of decreasing uterine diameter, which occurred more rapidly at the placental sites. In conclusion, normal postpartum uterine involution in Cocker spainel bitches appeared to be completed around 68 days postpartum by gross findings such as vaginal discharges, and by ultrasongraphic findings, uterine shape and echogenicity.