희소 한우인 칡소의 정액 동결을 위해서 레시딘을 기본 희석제로 하는 AndroMed와 Tris-egg yolk extender를 사용하여 정자의 생존율과 활력 조사를 위해서 본 연구를 수행하였다. AndroMed 희석제를 사용하였을 때 생존율과 활력은 와 의 결과를 보였다. 그리고 Tris-egg yolk extender의 경우는 각각 와 결과를 보여 생존율에서는 Tris-egg yolk 희석제가 AndroMed 희석제를 사용하였을 때보다 유의적으로(p
This study was conducted to investigate the survival rate of AndroMed and Tris-egg yolk extender for cryopreservation of Korean Native Bull Semen (Chick Cow). Semen was collected from a Korean Native Bull Semen over 3 year's old. The semen was diluted 1:1 by AndroMed and Tris-egg yolk extender. The pellet was diluted to final sperm concentration of cell/ml by doubling in every 10 minutes at cold chamber. The semen was equilibrated for 1 hrs at cold chamber and packed to 0.5 ml straw. The semen straws were located above 5 cm of liquid nitrogen for 5 minutes. And then the frozen straw was plunged to LN2. The presented straws were examined the viability and motility after thawed at water bath. The survival rates was significantly higher (p<0.05) in Tris-egg yolk extender than AndroMed extender ( vs. ). However, motility was no significant differences ( vs. ). Survival rate in time of equilibration between visual and CASA program had higher in 2 h ( vs. ) than in 5 h ( vs. ) 15 h ( vs. ) 20 h ( vs. ). The development rates to cleavage was higher in Tris-egg yolk extender than AndroMed extender (82.2% vs. 81.7%). Similarly, the development rates to blastocyst was significantly higher (p<0.05) in Tris-egg yolk extender than AndroMed extender (42.3% vs. 29.6%). In conclusion, the obvious impact of this study will be its practical application to improve viability and fertilizing ability of cryopreserved spermatozoa used for in vitro fertilization (IVF) and AI, Which in turn will be beneficial to animal genetic resources conservation.