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배 유기재배에서 녹비작물 재배에 의한 식물양분 환원효과 KCI 등재

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/52572
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한국유기농업학회지 (Korea Journal of Organic Agriculture)
한국유기농업학회 (Korea Association Of Organic Agriculture)

This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of ground cover treatments on the nutrient contribution in a ‘"Niitaka’" pear (Pyrus pyriforia) orchard. Treatments included; 1) sod culture, 2) winter cover crop [ryegrass+hairy vetch], and 3) winter [ryegrass+hairy vetch]+summer [greensolgo (sudan grass (Sorghum bicolor L.))+nemajanghwang (crotalaria (Crotalaria juncea L.)] cover crops. Ryegrass and hairyvetch were seeded with 6.4 kg/10a and 3.0 kg/10a, respectively, on October 17 of 2008, and greensolgo and nemajanghwang were seeded with 2.0 kg/10a and 3.0 kg/10a, respectively, on June 4 of 2009 at a diligent farmer in Boseong in Chonnam. Winter+summer cover crops provided greater amounts of dry weight, followed by winter cover crop and sod culture. The difference of amounts of dry weight from the ground covers affected to the levels of total N, P, and K contents, which were greater nutrient levels than those of recommended nutrient requirement for satisfying 10- to 12-year-old pear tree growth. Greater amounts of dry weight from the ground covers increased organic matter and concentrations of K and Mg in soil. Foliar nutrient concentrations, as an indicator of nutrient status of a tree, were not affected by application of ground cover treatments.

I. 서론 II. 재료 및 방법 III. 결과 및 고찰 IV. 요약 참고문헌
  • 임경호
  • 최현석
  • 김월수
  • 김선국
  • 송장훈
  • 조영식
  • 최장전
  • 정석규