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Increased of the Red Blood Cell in Peripheral Plasma of Transgenic Pigs Harboring hEPO Gene

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/61976
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한국동물번식학회 (The Korean Society of Animal Reproduction)

The present study were performed to analysis the hematocrit and the red blood cells content into the blood plasma of the transgenic pigs harboring recombinent human erythropoietin gene (rhEPO). Mouse whey acidic protein (mWAP) linked to rhEPO gene was microinjected into pronuclei of porcine one-cell zygotes. After delivered of offspring, PCR analyses identified one mWAP-rhEPO transgenic founder offspring(F/sub 0/). The first generation of transgenic pig (F/sub 0/) harboring mWAP-hEPO appeared to be a male, and the second generation (F₁) pigs were made by natural mating of F/sub 0/ with domestic swine, and male and female transgenic pigs (F₁) were identified by PCR. The blood samples from transgenic and normal pigs were collected for 50 days during lactation and were counted the red blood cell (RBC) numbers and Hematocrit (HCT) content into the blood. The transgenic pigs expressing rhEPO in their blood gave rise to higher RBC numbers and HCT contents than control animals. rhEPO was secreted both in the blood and milk of genetically engineered pigs harboring rhEPO gene. Therefore, this study provides a model regarding the production of transgenic pig carrying hEPO transgene for biomedical research.

  • Park, J. K(Division of Animal Biotechnology, National Livestock Research Institute, RDA)
  • I. S. Jeon(Division of Animal Biotechnology, National Livestock Research Institute, RDA)
  • Y. K. Lee(Division of Animal Biotechnology, National Livestock Research Institute, RDA)
  • P. Y. Lee(Division of Animal Biotechnology, National Livestock Research Institute, RDA)
  • S. W. Kim(Division of Animal Biotechnology, National Livestock Research Institute, RDA)
  • S. J. Kim(Division of Animal Biotechnology, National Livestock Research Institute, RDA)
  • H. G. Lee(Division of Animal Biotechnology, National Livestock Research Institute, RDA)
  • J. H. Han(Division of Animal Biotechnology, National Livestock Research Institute, RDA)
  • C. G. Park(Division of Animal Biotechnology, National Livestock Research Institute, RDA)