Purpose: In countries with a large elderly population, the integrated visiting health care program for the elderly in communities was effective in preventing frailty and reducing medical expenses. Customized preventive health service is essential in a super-aged society. The purpose of this study is to estimate the number of professionals who perform visiting health care for the elderly. Methods: The statistics for the elderly from Statistics Korea and the Visiting Healthcare Performance Report from Korea Health Promotion Institute were employed in the analysis. The elderly were divided into four groups: healthy, pre-frailty, frailty I, and frailty II, according to their health level. Through the focus group interview, the ratio of nurses, physical activity experts, and nutritionists was set at 8:1:1. Results: Three scenarios were classified into minimum, medium, and maximum according to the number of visits. In the case of Seoul, the number of essential professionals was calculated at least from 719 to a maximum of 1,837. Conclusion: Since this study has a limitation in calculating visiting health care experts only by the ratio of nurses, physical activity experts, and nutritionists, future studies should consider experts or professionals in the field of social welfare, oral health, and visiting treatment.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze factors influencing diabetic retinal examination in community-dwelling older adults with diabetes, in order to provide basic data to improve screening rates of diabetic retinal examination. Methods: This study used raw data from the National Community Health Survey, 2020, which is a cross-sectional survey. The subjects of this study are 16,031 old adults aged over 65 years who had been diagnosed with diabetes. The demographic characteristics, diabetes and diseaserelated characteristics, social distancing and fear of COVID-19 according to the diabetic retinal examination were analyzed with chi-square test. Logistic regression analyses were used to examine the factors influencing diabetic retinal examination. Results: We identified that diabetic retinal examination was associated with age, residence, level of education, income, type of diabetes care, period of diabetes, and fear of COVID-19. Conclusion: Health care workers in the community should strongly recommend yearly diabetic retinal examination for diabetic patients who older adults, have lower levels of education and income. A multiple approach is required to raise the low screening rate of diabetic retinal examination, including lower the cost burden.