
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,884

        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        One hundred seventy two accessions of safflower, collected in four countries were investigated for their morphological and biochemical characters in 2014. The accessions were categorized into two groups; South-Central (S-C) Asia and South-West (S-W) Asia, and each group was represented the accessions of two countries. Variation in morphological and biochemical characters was observed between two groups of accessions. The average value of seed weight and range of variability were higher in S-C Asia accessions while S-W accessions exhibited the variation in plant height, leaf length and days to flowering. The average value of oleic and total oil content were higher in S-C Asia accessions, and the values were 19.8%, and 231.4 mg.g-1, respectively, while the range of variability for total oil content was higher in S-W accessions. Plant height exhibited a significant positive correlation with days to flowering (r = 0.625**). Palmitic acid had positively correlated with stearic acid (r = 0.282**) and linoleic acid (r = 0.444**). Oleic and linoleic acid showed a strong negative correlation (r = -0.977**). The first three principal components explained 57% of the total variation. Morphological and biochemical variation exist in different groups of accessions could be useful to breeder for developing new safflower cultivars with high oil quantity and quality.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This experiment was designed to assess the physical and chemical properties of growing media substituted with a range of increasing concentrations of pretreated wood and to relate these properties to plant growth responses. For preparing the growing media, each material was combined with rural soil, peat, perlite and pretreated wood. Physicochemical properties studied were similar to ideal substrate ranges for plant growth on growing media, including pretreated wood. Physical properties were also well maintained over time. In comparison to plants growing in 100% rural soil, tall fescue(Festuca arundinacea) in the prepared growing media achieved better growth, especially when using the 50% rural soil + 50% PPW(peat + perlite + pretreated wood, 3:1:6(w/w/w)) and 30% rural soil + 70% PPW (peat + perlite + pretreated wood, 3:1:6(w/w/w)), and showed improved germination percentage. We confirmed the potential use of growing media, including pretreated wood. Furthermore, our results show a correlation among the physicochemical properties of tall fescue(Festuca arundinacea); physical properties were significantly influenced by germination and aerial parts. The root length of physicochemical properties was correlated with bulk density and organic compound (p<0.01).
        2016.01 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Pt@Cu/C core-shell catalysts were successfully prepared by impregnation of a carbon support with copper precursor, followed by transmetallation between platinum and copper. The Pt@Cu/C core-shell catalysts retained a core of copper with a platinum surface. The prepared catalysts were used for hydrogen production through catalytic dehydrogenation of decalin for eventual application to an onboard hydrogen supply system. Pt@Cu/C core-shell catalysts were more efficient at producing hydrogen via decalin dehydrogenation than Pt/C catalysts containing the same amount of platinum. Supported coreshell catalysts utilized platinum highly efficiently, and accordingly, are lower-cost than existing platinum catalysts. The combination of impregnation and transmetallation is a promising approach for preparation of Pt@Cu/C core-shell catalysts.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Sasa quelpaertensis Nakai is a type of edible bamboo grass distributed on Jeju Island, Korea. S. quelpaertensis has been used as afolk medicine for treatment of a variety of ailments. It has been reported to present biological effects, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. In this study, we demonstrate that S. quelpaertensis Nakai extract (SNE) rescues immunocytes from gamma radiation-induced apoptosis and oxidative DNA damage. We examined the cytotoxicity, cell proliferation, DNA damage, apoptosis, and generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in mice given SNE for 45 days in immune cells. To determine the splenocytes protection capability of SNE, gamma-ray was irradiated to the whole body of C57BL/6 mice. Our results suggest that SNE stimulated the proliferation of splenocytes without cytotoxic effects. In addition, SNE not only decreased DNA damage but also reduced apoptosis of splenocytes, and attenuated the production of ROS generation in hydrogen peroxide-induced splenocytes. Therefore, SNE can protect against gamma radiation-induced damage in mice.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Brucella abortus is a well-known intracellular zoonotic pathogen. Despite significant research to understand the pathogenesis, underlying mechanisms of the bacterial infection are not yet understood. Thus, prevention and control of the B. abortus infection is problematic in animal and human. Therefore, several methods involving random mutation have been used to identify the mechanisms and provide a solution for control and prevention of Brucella infection. B. abortus mutants were generated by random insertion of a transposon, Ez-Tn5TM pMODTM-3 <R6Kγori/MCS> into a chromosome. Characteristics of these mutants were investigated using biochemical testing, growth features, determination of biovar, antibiotic resistance and detection of virulence factors, T4SS, PGK, and CGS. In biochemical testing, B. abortus mutants were categorized according to 7 groups with different condition of ILATk, SUTC, and ELLM. Different growth features were also observed between wild type and mutants. In addition, both B. abortus wild type and mutants were determined as biovar type 1 by biovar test. Three virulence factors, T4SS, PGK, and CGS were detected by PCR. Therefore, B. abortus mutants were characterized by analysis of phenotyping and it might be useful for further studies of known pathogenesis of B. abortus infection and for identification of diagnostic markers of brucellosis.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In Brazil, agricultural sector accounts for 15 percent of total employment and agricultural export takes 36 percent of the national merchandise exports. Particularly agricultural export has played an important role in Brazilian economic growth and stabilization. Brazil is a substantial agricultural exporter which obtains huge trade surplus in agricultural trade amounting USD 73,300 million. Major agricultural exports are grain and grain-processed products such as soybean, soybean cake, corn and soybean oil. Particularly soybean is the top exporting commodity in Brazil. Our Study overviews the situation of Brazilian agriculture and analyzes the export competitiveness of Brazilian soybean in the World and Korean markets. We employ several indexes such as price competitiveness, Market Share (MS), Revealed Comparative Advantage Index (RCA), and Comparative Advantage by countries (CAC) to analyze international competitiveness of Brazilian soybean. The main results of our study are as follows : First, U.S. Argentina, Paraguay and Canada are rivals with Brazil in the global soybean market. Second, Brazilian soybean has the 3rd highest price competitiveness following Paraguay and Argentina. Third, Brazilian soybean is second highest following Paraguay in a sense of export competitiveness through RCA and CAC index. Brazilian soybean has competitiveness in respect of comparative advantage not only in Korean market but also in global market. Especially CAC index of Brazilian soybean in the Korean market is higher than those of USA and China which have larger Korean market share than Brazil. However, the competition seems to be even more intensifying because Korea has already agreed on FTA with USA and China, and also Paraguay expands soybean export to Korea recently.
        2015.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this currents study was to examine the contributions of the contributions of leadership functions, supervision, and working motivation on teachers’ performance at public elementary school in one of the sub-districts in Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia. Data were collected through a questionnaire from 122 teachers. The data were analyzed by using the descriptive analysis and regression analysis techniques, assistanced by the statistical application of the SPSS release 16.0. The findings of this study indicated that the leadership function included very high category with a mean value of 3.2657, supervision with a mean of 3.2608, motivation with a mean value of 3.3465, and teachers’ performance with the mean value of 3.4447. The findings of the simple regression analysis with a single-step method (entered) also indicated that the contribution of leadership function to teachers’ performance with a value of R Square was 47.6%, the contribution of supervision to teachers’ performance with a value of R Square was 45.3%, and the contribution of work motivation to teachers’ performance with a value of R Square was 69.3%. Furthermore, the findings of multiple the regression analysis showed that the contribution of leadership function, supervision, and working motivation altogether to teachers’ performance with the value of R Square was 74.3%. This study provided information for policy makers, school leaders, researchers, and teacher educators to understand how the contributions of the contributions of leadership functions, supervision, and working motivation affect teachers’ performance.
        2015.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The goal of this study is to better understand the attitudes of students towards pronunciation in order to better evaluate the current university curriculum, as well as to make recommendations on how to improve the quality of education for students of English in South Korea. A total of fifty-five students were given both a questionnaire and a short interview which were utilized for the present study. The results demonstrate that the students agree pronunciation is important in English, and they wish to sound like a native speaker. It was also found that students are slightly worried about their own English accent, however they have not had much instruction on pronunciation. In addition, the participants of the study appeared to be more concerned with their accents, rather than comprehensibility or intelligibility. The most widely preferred accent by the participants was American accent followed by British accent. Although the participants acknowledged the importance of pronunciation or accent in English, they were reluctant to receive a class focusing on pronunciation. Based on the findings we suggest that there should be more collaboration between native and non-native speakers of English in Korea. Furthermore, we recommend that Korean students be exposed to more varieties of World Englishes through the integration of students from other countries into the classroom as well as conducted a class on World Englishes.
        2015.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        백색, 적색(680±20nm), 황색(600 ± 20 nm), 녹색(525 ± 25 nm),청색(400 ± 10 nm), 흑색(365 ± 10 nm) 및 변환(다양한 파장)램프를 가지는 솔라트랩을 잡곡 및 두류포장에서 설치하여 나비목, 노린재목 및 딱정벌레목의 주요 해충에 대한 유인효과를 잡곡 및 두류포장에 설치하여 10일 간격으로 조사하여 평가하였다. 채집된 충수는 조사시기와 램프의 색깔에 따라 크게 영향을 받았으며, 조사시기와 램프의 색깔의 상호작용 효과도 있었다. 암청색램프에서 매미충류를 제외하고 가장 많은해충이 유인되었다. 따라서 암청색램프는 해충의 대량포획뿐만아니라 예찰을 위해 효과적으로 사용될 수 있다. 솔라트랩의 암청색램프와 페로몬의 조합은 잡곡 및 두류 해충의 포획효과를 증진시킬 수 있어 종합관리를 위한 유망한 수단으로사용될 수 있을 것으로 여겨진다.
        2015.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Three foreign investment laws of China were enacted when she was mainly a capitalimporting state. The main purpose of these laws was to boost the Chinese economy with the capital, technology and management of foreign investors. Many preferential treatments, rather than national treatment, were given to foreign investment especially before the country joined the WTO. Following the reform of market economy, fair and equal treatment to foreign investors are replacing the preferential treatments. A new draft of Foreign Investment Law was released in the spring of 2015 to reform the governance of foreign investment by granting national treatment to foreign investors in both admission and operation. The restrictions to foreign investment will be subject to the categories of special administrative measures, which are composed of forbidden and restrictive categories. This is going to be China’s biggest reform on the legal system of foreign investment since 1980s.
        2015.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        농진청에서 수행하고 있는 아프리카 국제협력프로그램인KAFACI 사업의 일환으로 우간다 등 8개국에 ‘통일형 다수성벼 품종개발’ 사업을 추진하고 있다. 이를 위해 아프리카에서정상적인 생육과 수량을 나타내는 다수성 통일형 품종인 밀양23호와 아프리카의 재래종인 O. glaberrima를 이용하여 밀양23호의 유전적배경을 보유한 근동질 계통인 BC4F1을 육성하고, 약배양을 통해 유전적 고정계통을 육성하였다. 이 중 50개계통을 우간다에서 생물검정을 실시한 결과, 아프리카에서 문제시되는 Yellow Mottle Virus (RYMV), Bacterial LeafStreak(BLS), 흰잎마름병 및 도열병에 복합저항성인 계통으로판명되었다. 특히 RYMV에 대한 저항성은 저항성원이 결여되어 있는 병으로 본 연구를 통해 육성한 계통들은 향후 아프리카에 적응하는 내병성 다수성 품종개발에 유용한 재료를 활용 될 것으로 생각된다.
        2015.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        So far, eight rounds of China-Japan-Korea FTA negotiations have been conducted. From 2015 on, the negotiations are expected to make great progress. Accordingly, CJK FTA has drawn increasing attention of scholars from multidimensionality. Still, there lacks concerns over the possible arrangement of each specific issue under such framework. Building on prior scholarship, this paper attempts to view such fragmented debate from the perspective of building a new international economic order. It suggests a developing track for CJK FTA to consider in designing its details: WTO→CJK FTA→RCEP(OBOR)→TPP→A New Multilateral Order. Only by so viewing can the important trilateral FTA play an appropriate role in future regional and global governance, so as to obtain the Asian voice in restructuring the international rules. Based on that, this paper further exemplifies a possible stepping stone regarding regional antidumping regimes and proposes adopting the WTO ADA Plus in CJK FTA. Such a proposal would become a crucial ‘blueprint’ for restructuring the multilateral ADA mechanism.
        2015.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of visual electromyography (EMG) biofeedback on the EMG activity of the lower trapezius (LT), serratus anterior (SA), and upper trapezius (UT) muscles, the LT/UT and SA/UT EMG activity ratios, and the scapular upward rotation angle during scapular posterior tilting exercise (SPTE). Twenty-four subjects with round-shoulder posture participated in this study. The EMG activities of the LT, SA, and UT were collected during SPTE both without and with visual EMG biofeedback. The scapular upward rotation angle was measured at the baseline, after SPTE without visual EMG biofeedback, and after SPTE with visual EMG biofeedback. The LT, SA, and UT EMG activities, and the LT/UT and SA/UT EMG activity ratios were analyzed by paired t-test. The scapular upward rotation angle was statistically analyzed using one-way repeated analysis of variance. If a significant difference was found, a Bonferroni correction was performed (p=.05/3=.017). The EMG activities of LT and SA significantly increased, and the EMG activity of UT significantly decreased during SPTE with visual EMG biofeedback compared to SPTE without visual EMG biofeedback (p<.05). In addition, the LT/UT and SA/UT EMG activity ratios significantly increased during SPTE with visual EMG biofeedback compared to SPTE without visual EMG biofeedback (p<.05). Significant increases were found in the scapular upward rotation angle after SPTE without and with visual EMG biofeedback compared to baseline (p<.017), and no significant differences were observed in the scapular upward rotation angle between SPTE without and with visual EMG biofeedback. In conclusion, SPTE using visual EMG biofeedback may be an effective method for increasing LT and SA activities while reducing UT activity.
        2015.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Mathematical models are developed for single and multi-stage membrane processes to simulate gas separation in MATLAB®. The single-stage membrane process simulations are validated through comparison with mixed-gas experimental results at different operating condition. Based on this validated single-stage process model, multi-stage membrane processes including 2 or 3 stages membranes with recycle streams are simulated. The resulting simulation outputs are shown to reproduce experiment results with reasonable accuracy. Hence, this process modeling framework can be utilized in future design and optimization studies.