
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2,998

        2002.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The experiment was divided into two phases. In phase-I fresh embryos were transferred and in Phase-II frozen embryos were transferred. Embryos were collected by using Dulbecco's phosphate buffered saline. In phase-I total of 65 ova were collected out of 107 ovulation in 18 goats. Recovery of ova was 60.74%, of which 51 (78.46%) was fertilized. Sixteen embryos were transferred to 10 recipient goats and kidding was observed in 6 goats, that produced 10 kids. Thus, 62.50% embryo survival and 60% kidding were achieved in phase-I. In phase-II of the experiment, 17 regular cyclic Black Bengal goats were used. The main purpose was to study the viability of caprine embryos after cryopreservation. In this phase the embryos were collected and frozen using Bio-cool freezers. A two step addition of cryoprotectants (5% glycerol and 10% glycerol) and three-step dilution of cryoprotectants with 1mole (M) sucrose was used. Embryos were preserved for 10 to 45 days. Out of 27 embryos preserved, 18 were recovered after freezing and thawing (37 water bath) with 33.33% embryonic loss. Seventeen frozen and thawed embryos were transferred in 9 recipient goats, out of which kidding was observed in 6 goats and 7 kids were produced, giving a 66.66% kidding and embryo survival of 41.17%. The technique utilized for fresh and frozen embryo transfer can be successfully utilized to produce goats of superior genetic merits. The protocol used for addition of cryoprotectant, freezing, thawing and dilution was found suitable for caprine embryo freezing.
        2002.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A new PIM in-process joining technique has been developed for more complicated and functional PIM components by application of the exuded wax from the green compacts during solvent debinding step. At first, various stainless steels and iron compacts with rectangular shape were combined, and the joining behaviors and properties were investigated by shear and tensile test, and microscopic observation. Subsequently, perfect joined three pieces of thin and hollow compacts were obtained for the combination of same and different stainless steels, and it was difficult to join the iron and stainless steel compacts in hydrogen atmosphere because of the different starting temperature of shrinkage. However, pretty good joined iron and stainless steel compacts were obtained by consideration of particle size and vacuum atmosphere. Finally, for the combination of ferro-silicon and austenitic stainless steel compacts, high functionality (magnetic (1.60Tes1a) & non-magnetic) and perfect joint were obtained.
        2002.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A taxonomic study of the genus Anisotoma Panzer in Korea is presented. Six species are recognized in Korea. Five species [Anisotoma besucheti Angelini and De Marzo, A. castanea niponensis Hisamatsu, A. frontalis (Portevin), A. rubromaculata Hisamatsu, and A. smetanai Angelini and De Marzo] are reported for the first time in Korea. Anisotoma curta (Portevin) is redescribed. A key, descriptions, and drawings of diagnostic characters of known Korean Anisotoma species are given.